
Cards (24)

  • Theme
    Responses to people in authority
  • What kind of experiment
    Lab experiment
  • Where did the study take place
    VU University in a lab
  • Participants disobeyed by refusing to write the statement (whistleblowing)
  • Bocchiaro gave them the chance to obey, disobey, whistleblow
  • How many pilots tests did he do
  • The comparison group was provided with detailed description of the experiment to see if it would differ to what they actually did
  • The participants where deceived and was told the experiment was on sensory deprivation on brain function
  • The experimenter left the room for 3mins to let the participants reflect on the decision they were about to make
  • Participants where moved into a 2nd room where there was a computer to write their statement to convince someone they know to do this 'horrible' experiment.
  • Strengths of Ethics
    fully debriefed, asked to sign a second consent form.
  • Comparison Group
    3.6% said they'd obey. 31.9% said they'd disobey. 64.5% said they'd be whistleblowers.
  • Experimental group
    76.5% obeyed. 14.1% disobeyed. 9.4% whistle blew.
  • Sample
    149 undergraduate students
  • 96 women and 53 men took part in the research for 7 euros or course credit
  • Participants where told to be enthusiastic when writing their statements: exciting, great, incredible.
  • Whistle blowing
    Writing to the ethics committee form
  • Qualitative Data

    people who disobeyed blamed external forces or felt responsible for their own actions.
  • Personally measures tests
  • People tend to obey authority figures even if the authority is unjust.
  • Strength of sample
    149 large sample. Self-selected sampling, likely to end up with students studying a range of different courses
  • Weakness of sample
    all students, had a mean age of 20.8yrs not representative of the population as a whole.
  • Strength of ethics
    Given a debrief. Could withdraw at any point
  • Weakness of sample
    High level of deception.