Social policies

Cards (55)

  • China's One Child Policy

    Supervised by workplace family planing comittees - women had to seek permission to become pregnant
  • Punishment for not complying to chinas one child policy

    Pressure to be sterilised
  • Benefits for those who comply to chinas one child policy

    Free child healthcare
    Tax allowance
  • Democratic societies
    family is a private sphere of life - the government does not intervene
  • Nazi family policy
    Nazi germany encouraged a 'racially pure' master race to breed
  • How was Nazi family policy enforced

    Women kept out of work - confined to children, kitchen, church
    Sterilised disabled people who were deemed 'unfit to breed
  • Communist Romania
    Policies to increase birth rate
  • How did communist Romania enforce their policy to increase birth rate
    Restricted contraception and abortion
    Higher taxes on childless couples
  • 3 policies that are not directly aimed at families but effect them
    Compulsory schooling
    Care in the community
    Taxation policies
  • How does compulsory schooling affect the family?
    Parents can work while school offers a free child minding service
  • How does care in the community affect the family

    Family cares for older generations rather than nursing homes or hospitals
  • How do taxation policies affect the family
    Affect how much money is taken from families
  • Functionalists and social policy
    Social policies help families preform their functions more effectively, making life better for its members
  • Fletcher (functionalist)

    Welfare state developed since industrial revolution to support the family in performing its function more effectively
  • Example of fletchers welfare state

    NHS - family can take better care of it's sick members
  • Criticism 1 of functionalists
    Not all members of the family benefit equally
    Feminists - policies benefit men while oppressing women
  • Criticism 2 of functionalists
    Assumes there is a March of progress
    Marxists - policies can reverse progress eg cutting welfare benefits on poorer families
  • Donzelot's conflict view
    Policies are a form of state power used to control families
  • How does Donzelot develop Foucault's ideas

    Develops Foucault's idea of surveillance used to exert power eg social workers, doctors, health visitors
  • Poorer families more likely to be controlled as seen as problem families
    Condry - parenting offers issue to parents of young offenders
  • Criticism 1 of Donzelot
    Marxists - policies benefit capitalist society
  • Criticism 2 of Donzelot
    Feminists - policies benefit men while oppressing women
  • Why do the new right strongly favour traditional nuclear family
    It is naturally self reliant
  • Murray
    Government policies act as perverse incentives which undermine the family and create a dependency culture
  • Solution to dependency culture
    Abolish welfare benefits
  • Almond (Nr)

    State police have created family diversity which is threatening the conventional family
  • 3 ways the conventional family is under threat according to Almond
    Making divorce easier
    Civil partnerships for homosexual couples
    Tax laws discriminate against conventional family with breadwinner
  • Criticism 1 of New right
    Feminists - want to return to traditional patriarchal family
  • Criticism 2 of new right
    Assumes nuclear family is natural, not socially constructed
  • Criticism 3 of new right
    Wallace and Abbot
    Cutting benefits would drive more people into poverty
  • Conservative government 1979-97 policies
    for new right: Banned promotion of homosexuality
    Child support agency - holding absent parents accountable
  • Conservative government 1979-97 policies
    against new right: Making divorce easier
  • New labour government 1997-2010 policies
    for new right: Parenting orders for parents of young offenders
  • Conservative government 1979-97 policies
    against new right: Working families tax credit - claim tax relief on childcare costs allowing both parents to work
    Civil partnership for same sex couples - supporting alternative to heterosexual nuclear family
  • 2 divisions in conservative led government 2010 according to Hayton
  • Modernisers
    Recognise families are more diverse which are reflected in policies
  • Traditionalists
    Favour new right, reject family diversity
  • Issue with having division in government

    Hard to maintain consistent policy line
  • Conservative led government 2010 policies
    for new right: Financial austerity policies
  • How do financial austerity policies favour new right
    Reflect new right desire to cut welfare spending