Cards (10)

  • Meritocracy
    Belief of the New Right
  • Privatisation
    • Good (higher standards)
    • Promotes choice and competition
    • Schools improve standards
  • Education ran like a market, for example specialised exam boards AQA and Edexcel
  • Individualism
    Own choices in life and society
  • What are the Key names of the New right?
    chubb And Moe
    Miriam David
    education reform act (1988)
    Thatcher and Conservative party
  • what do Chubb and Moe say about education?
    Private schools run better since schools respond to parents like paying customers , parents are viewed as customers and School is a Business
  • What does Radical Feminist Miriam David say about Education
    she talks about Parentocracy (parent power)- such as the ability to choose schools as a new product
  • who is Apart of the Conservative Parties views on education?
    Margret Thatcher
    Charles Murray
  • what did Margaret Thatcher introduce in 1988? 

    The national curriculum such as sats and GCSE
  • what is the Contemporary Education policies?
    • 1970-1990: New right education policy focused on marketisation eg The national Cirriculum (1988)
    • 1997-2007 new labour in power, less extreme but education still viewed as a business
    • 2007-2010, new labour: money for student performance
    • 2010- a return to new right policy and further fragmentation of education system