Judgement and Decision making

Cards (21)

  • Rational decision
    Controlled, effortful, logically coherent, and rule-based decision making
  • The process of rational decision making
    Define the problem -> identify criteria to judge -> weight the criteria -> generate alternatives -> rate each alternative ->compute optimal decision
  • Bounded rationality
    People try to make rational decisions but CAN’T due to cognitive limitations
  • Bias
    Systematic deviation from objective truths or fairness, affecting how people make decisions
  • Heuristic
    Rule of thumb, allows people to cope with complex environment surrounding our decisions
  • Heuristics result in
    Predictable biased
  • Representativeness heuristic
    Faulty strategy based on the presumption that once people/events are CATEGORISED, they SHARE ALL FEATURES of other members in this category
  • System 1
    automatic, effortless, fast, largely unconscious, does most of our thinking -> autopilot
  • System 2
    Controlled, effortful, slow, conscious, lazy, hard to get engaged
  • Availability bias
    Occurs when people make judgments and decisions based on the EASE with which examples or instances come to mind
    ex: 9/11 - use a car
  • Anchoring bias
    Biasing an estimate on a complete irrelevant quantity
  • Anchoring bias example

    Initial offers have a stronger influence on the outcome of negotiations than subsequent counteroffers
  • Dan Ariely
    Adopt the perspective of an outsider
    Related to anchoring - social security number
  • Confirmation bias
    Seek info in a way that confirms their preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, ignoring info that contradicts their beliefs
  • Overconfidence effect 

    Confidence in your judgement is bigger that the objective accuracy
  • Framing effects
    the way in which info is presented can influence judgement
  • Loss frame
    People are risk-averse: risk more to avoid loss
  • Gain frame
    Risk less
  • Nudging
    Подталкивание: pee where the bee is
    decision-making without restricting their freedom of choice
  • Opting in

    If you WANT to …
  • Opting-out
    If you DO NOT want