
Cards (19)

  • The Map Interface
    • It deals with collections of ordered pairs.
  • Think of the pair as consisting of a key K (to search for) and an associated value V.
    For example, the key might be a student ID number and name
  • The Map interface takes a base type for the key and a base type for the value.
  • Use the put method to add a key/value pair to the collection and the get method to retrieve the value for a given key.
  • The base types must be objects and cannot be primitive data types.
  • public Base_Type_Value put(Base_Type_Key k, Base_Type_Value v)
    • Associates the value v with the key k.
  • public Base_Type_Value put(Base_Type_Key k, Base_Type_Value v)

    Returns the previous value for k or null if there was no previous mapping.
  • public Base_Type_Value get(Object k)
    • Returns the value mapped to the key k or null if no mapping exists.
  • public Base_Type_Value remove(Object k) 

    • Removes the mapping of key k from the map if present.
  • public Base_Type_Value remove(Object k)
    Returns the previous value for the key k or null if there was no previous mapping.
  • public boolean containsKey(Object k) 

    • Returns true if the key k is a key in the map.
  • public boolean containsValue(Object v) 

    • Returns true if the value v is a value in the map.
  • public boolean hashCode()
    • Returns the hash code value for the calling object.
  • public boolean isEmpty()
    • Returns true if the map contains no mappings.
  • public Set <Base_Type_Key> keySet() 

    • Returns a set containing all of the keys in the map.
  • public Collection <Base_Type_Values> values() 

    • Returns a collection containing all of the values in the map.
  • The HashMap class implements the Map interface and is used to store a map from a key object to a value object.
  • class HashMap uses the hash table algorithm.
  • HashMap is able to quickly retrieve the value object when given the key object.