The diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli to pulmonary capillaries. Carbon dioxidediffuses in the opposite direction.
Describe internal respiration
Oxygendiffuses from systematiccapillaries into the tissues, and carbon dioxidediffuses in the opposite direction.
How is gas exchange affected in exercise
Blood flowincreases leaving less time for diffusion.
What type of transport is utilised in gas exchange
Why is the PO2 not diffusion-limited
Blood is in contact with the alveoli for 0.75 seconds. PO2 reaches equilibrium in 0.25 seconds.
What is Dalton's law
The totalpressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the pressure of each gas in it.
What can be worked out according to Dalton's Law
The totalpressure of a gas mixture.
The partialpressure of an individual gas within a gas mixture.
How do you work out total pressure
Total pressure = PA + PB
How do you work out partial pressure of Oxygen in the atmosphere
PO2 = 760 * 21% = 159mmHg
What is the pressure of the atmosphere
What is the partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere
What is the partial pressure
The pressure of agaswithin a gasmixture.
What is the percentage of Nitrogen in the air
What is the percentage of oxygen in the air
What is the percentage of inertgases in the air
What is the percentage of carbondioxide in the air
What are the main components of air
Nitrogen. Oxygen. Inert gases. Carbon dioxide.
What is one atmosphere
What is the pressure at sea level in mm Hg
What is the stimulus for increased ventilation at altitude
A reduction in the PO2
What is the stimulus for increased ventilation at sea level
An increase in PCO2.
What is the respiratory membrane made of
Alveolar walls and blood vessel walls.
What respiration occurs across the respiratory membrane
What is the main feature of alveolar walls
They contain elasticfibres which allow them to move and stretch.
What are the role of dust cells in alveoli
These are macrophages which filter the air.
How many pulmonary alveolar epithilium cells are there
How many alveolar cells are there
What is laplace's law
It states that the pressurecollapsing the alveoli is directlyproportional to surfacetension but inverselyproportional to the radius.
What is the equation for laplace's law
P = 2 * T/r. Where P is translungdistendingpressure. T is wallsurfacetension. R is radius.
What is the role of Type 2 alveolar cells
To produce lipid-rich surfactant. This decreases the surfacetension of the fluid lining the alveoli. Resulting in a decrease in the distendingpressure. Hence, it preventslungcollapse upon inflation.
When is surfactant first produced
What is respiratory distress syndrome in newborns
Premature infants are vulnerable to lung collapse as they have not yet started to produce surfactant.
What is the treatment for RDS
How is surfactant production stimulated for a mother in labour
Cortisol treatments
What alveolar cell type is part of the respiratory membrane
What is the inteterstial space
It is an area of elasticfibres within the respiratorymembrane