Bilirubin metabolism

Cards (9)

  • what is the order:
    • spleen macrophage
    • blood stream (rbc)
    • liver
    • intestines
    • kidneys
  • what Happens in the spleen macrophages
    heme breaks releases Fe and CO
    enzyme: heme oxygenase
    biliverdin is made
    enzyme biliverdin reductase
    Makes unconjugated bilirubin
    secreted to blood stream
  • What happens in the blood stream
    Unconjugated bilirubin binds to albumin
  • in The liver
    Unconjugated bilirubin uses glucuronyl-bilirubin transferase
    Makes conjugated bilirubin
    goes down gallbladder
  • In the intestines
    Conjugated bilirubin changes to urobilinogen
    two pathways: stay in intestines and become stercobilin or travel to blood
  • in the kidneys
    Urobilinogen changes urobilin (yellow)
  • What happens after the kidneys
    Secreted into urine
  • Urobilin
    Gives urine the yellow coloring
  • Stercobilin
    Secretes the stool to give orange/brown color