Cards (27)

  • PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) stories and experiences

  • Highlight the changes in life and relate to the speaker in the poem
  • Stories and experiences of sufferers, life changes, relation to the speaker in the poem
  • The speaker in the poem "Remains" experiences vivid memories and guilt related to a violent event
  • Colloquialism 'legs it'

    • Used to give a realistic tone to the voice of the speaker
  • 'Possibly not' undermines the severity of the statement in the poem

    • The power to decide whether to shoot is questioned
  • Soldiers described as cards in Poker in the poem
    • Emphasis on chance in the event
  • Graphic Hyperbole
    • Used to demonstrate the lack of glory or honour in the killing, presented in a matter-of-fact way
  • Dehumanised 'looter' 'sort of inside out'
    • Makes the victim appear more of an object than a person
  • Metaphor for the memory of the man and events in the poem
    • Blood connotes death, shadow connotes lingering memory
  • Repetition in the poem
    • Shows the thought replaying in the speaker's mind, indicating guilt and powerlessness
  • Cliché 'flush' in the poem
    • Describes getting rid of something unwanted, transitioning from war to everyday life
  • Analogy in the poem
    • Describes the memory like a hostile soldier in the speaker's mind
  • Sibilance in the poem
    • Gives the impression of a sinister dream/nightmare-like state
  • Pun in the poem
    • Bitter/dark humour, expressing anger/hate and conflict with the dead man and the speaker's own mind
  • Themes in the poem
    • Looks at conflict in a direct way and heavily at the after effects of conflict on the people involved
  • By the end, the poem leaves on a dramatic note
  • Memory hurts the soldier more than the event itself
  • Colloquial nature of the speaker's voice enhances realism
  • Conflict in the speaker's mind, avoiding the reality of the haunting memory
  • Explores a soldier's experiences at war and the suffering from memory
  • Use of slang to show the tone of the speaker
  • Discrepancy between how the speaker talks about the event and the actual content
  • Post traumatic stress and mental illness common in soldiers struggling with horrific memories
  • Simon Armitage is a direct UK poet focusing on war experiences
  • The soldier in the poem appears numb to the horror of war, using slang and clichés to trivialize the experience
  • The soldier tries to maintain control by trivializing the war experience