Cards (12)

  • what are the key ideas of Marxism in education?
    • marxism reproduces inequalities eg through the myth of equality
    • the bourgeoisie make profit while the proletariat struggle and label as meritocracy for whoever deserves it
    • legitimises and perpetuates capitalism
  • who are the key names in Classical marxism?
    • marx
    • Milliband
    • Bowles and Gintis
  • who are the key names in Neo marxism
    • Willis
    • bourdieu
    • althusser
    • Gramsci
    • illich
  • what does Marx say about capatilism? (classical)

    reproduces capitalism
  • what does Milliband Say about education? (classical)
    Meritocracy is a myth- society is not equal
  • what is Examples of meritocracy being a myth
    most prime ministers are educated at eaton Eg Boris and Willis 12 w.c boys study
  • What does Bowles and Gintis say about education? (classical)
    correspondence theory: training ground for work, school is in a hierarchy compared school to work since student are obedience to teachers like workers
  • what does Willis say about education (Neo)
    • willis conducted the study on White wc boys and concluded meritocracy is a myth
    • boys knew they would end up in low paid Labour jobs
  • what does bourdieu say about education (neo)
    "cultural capital benifits middle class"
    middle class likely to succeed since it is shaped by them
    isnt based on knowledge but on money
  • what does Althusser say about Education? 

    argues education is an Idealogical state apparatus (hypodermic syringe model)
  • what does Gramsci say about education?
    'cultural hegemony'- describe the influence of ruling class what counts as knowledge
    ruling class is dominant in society eg media favouring ruling class
    embedded into society for cultural dominance eg nuclear family on screen
  • what does illich say about education (neo)
    • deschooling society, children learn more out of school
    • see teacher as 3 roles: therapist, preacher and then teacher
    • schools kill individuality and creativity creating robots