Cards (14)

  • Marxist feminists key ideas 

    Focus on how society focuses on females reproducing nuclear family and staying in that domestic role due to patriarchy (reserve army of labour) which pushes girls into subordinate employment roles
  • Liberal feminists key ideas
    Say that education focuses on girls' progress but also need to help boys, more male role models needed in education to be equal
  • Radical feminists Key ideas 

    Focus on male violence on women (crimes of patriarchy), lower status of girls and women in school both in hierarchy and academic ability such as sexual violence and harassment of girls and women when perpetuating patriarchy
  • who are the key names for Marxist feminists?
    • Kelly
    • Heaton and Lawson
  • who are the key feminist for liberal feminism?
    • Oakley
    • stanworth
    • spender
  • what are the key names for radical feminists for education? 

    Miriam David
    Mac an ghalil
  • Who is Kelly and what does she say about education?
    Kelly is a marxist feminist who is concerned about the gendered roles in books- books prepetuates patriarchy
  • who is Oakley and what does she say about education?
    Oakley is a liberal feminist who argues gendered language reinforces gender roles eg specific subjects and specific language "boys will be boys"
    boys seen are more maths and science smart
    girls more english and humanities smart , left feminists concerned with equality until 1988 national curriculum introduced
  • who is Miriam David and what does she say about education?
    Miriam David is a radical feminist who argues end of patriarchy is ending negative behaviour in men and women, but the class and playground act as a source of aggression
    • women are proportionately likely to attend new post 1992 universities rather than prestigious institutions
  • what does spender say about education?
    • spender a liberal feminist argues that teachers give girls and boys different attention such as girls being pretty and neat while boys are viewed as messy and naughty (hidden curriculum)
  • what does Mac an Ghalil say about education?
    Mac an ghalil is a radical feminist who talks about the male gaze where male pupils judge women for their appearance, 1/3 school girls harassed in school uniform in public
  • what does Heaton and Lawson say about feminism in education?
    heaton and lawson are marxist argue that the hidden cirriculum teaches patriarchal values in school such as aimed subject ofr students and the divison of labour in schools
    • female teachers and male managers
  • what does Michelle Stanworth say about education?
    Stanworth is a liberal feminist who argues there is still higher expectations on boys since they are more likely to be recommended to higher education compared to girls on the same level.
  • what does the Malory school in 1959 teach?
    gendered roles by seperating males and females, women expected more domestic roles eg dress making and needle work while boys got to do stem (prepetuates stereotypes)