birth of television

Cards (14)

  • telegraph
    machine that sends messages over wires or radios by a group of electrical signals.
  • transmitting
    sending from one place to another
  • pioneer (n/v)

    -a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area.
    -develop or be the first to use or apply (a new method, area of knowledge, or activity)
  • transform
    to change in form or appearance
  • transparent
    clear or easy to see through
    Ex: The clean window is transparent.
  • publicity
    attention or notice from the public.
    Ex: Jesse got a lot of publicity after winning the race; many news shows wanted to talk to him, and millions of people knew his name.
  • take off
    to gain suddenly popularity, success, or growth.
  • novelty
    Ex: Last week everyone was talking about the teacher's new haircut; this week the novelty has worn off, and people are talking about other things.
  • network
    group of radio or television stations that broadcast together.
  • broadcasting
    sending out a radio or television program for people to hear or see.
  • Factory (n)
    place where things are made.
  • era
    certain period of time. Each era has qualities that make it different from other periods of time
    Ex: The era of space travel began in the 1950s.
  • World's Fair
    event where people meet from all over the world and show new art, inventions, and ideas.
  • highlight
    is the most important or interesting part of an event or show
    Ex: Seeing the baby polar bear was the highlight of our trip to the zoo.