a person being held somewhere, usually in a jail or prison. EX: Each inmate shared his cell with one other prisoner.
resistant (a)
not easily damaged or affected by sth. EX: My coat is resistant to water, so rain doesn't soak into it.
Watchtower (n)
tall structures where people stand to view large areas. EX: People go to the tops of watchtowers to look for fires, enemies, or escaped prisoners.
flee (v)
to run away often from danger or evil. Ex: The guards are ready to shoot inmates who attempted to flee.
Frigid (a)
very cold in temperature.
audacious (a)
very bold or daring. EX: The audacious mountain climber succeeded in reaching the dangerous peak even though other climbers had warned him that it was too risky.
Access (n)
way of entering or reaching sth. EX: A hole in the wall gave the mice access to our kitchen.
undetected (a)
not discovered or not noticed. EX: The burglar reached the bank vault undetected; no one saw him slip past the security doors.
life preservers (n)
vests or rings that people wear to float in water. EX: The girls wore life preservers in the boat so that they would be safe if they fell into the water.
inflatable (a)
able to be made larger by filling with air. EX: The boy fixed the inflatable bicycle tire by pumping air back into it.
raft (n)
a flat buoyant structure of timber or other materials fastened together, used as a boat or floating platform.
mixture of paper and glue; people mold it into many things, such as dolls, masks, and pinatas.
constantly (adv)
happening all the time
scanned (v)
moved over an area in a regular pattern to search for sth. EX: His eyes scanned the crowded room; he wanted to see if any of his friends were there.
boarded (adj)
stepped onto a ship, plane, bus, or train.
manhunt (n)
organized search for a person, usually a criminal. Ex: The police set up a manhunt to find the robber.
ensued (v)
happened next as a result of sth else. EX: A fistfight ensued after the boys insulted each other
remnants (n)
small parts or pieces that are left over after the main part is gone. Hot ash and coals were the only remnants of the campfire; they were all that was left after the fire burned out.
implements (n)
tools used for doing certain jobs or tasks. Ex: Brushes and rollers are two implements we used to paint the bedroom