Module 6

Cards (37)

    shape our relationships, behaviors, choices, and sense of who we are
    help people make their own decisions in upholding them to live in harmony with their respective communities.
  • Filipino Positive Values
    Helpful to others/ Bayanihan
    Jolliness and sense of Humor
    Discretion and dignity
    Honesty and Commitment
    family oriented
    Adaptability and resilience
    Resourceful and creativity
  • Hospitability
    It's one of the most popular traits of Filipinos. We are usually friendly and welcoming to our guests.
  • Helpful to others/Bayanihan
    Unity in Bayanihan spirit manifests our close relationship with our neighbors. In our Barangays and most subdivisions, the people in the neighborhood know each other, talk to each other, and protect each other.
  • Respectful (mano, po and opo, halik sa kamay). 

    Filipinos are courteous people. The children and the young Filipinos will always use the words "po" and "opo" to show respect to someone who is older or who has higher position than them. We also do the "mano po" gesture as a sign of respect to our elders.
  • Bravery
    There is a hero's blood running on our veins. We have the most fearless heroes who only think of defending our homeland. Remember Lapu-Lapu, Andress Bonifacio and Jose Rizal
  • Jolliness and Sense of Humor
    The Philippines is a country of smiles. Nothing can take away the humor and jolliness of many Filipinos... not even super typhoon Yolanda - the strongest recorded typhoon that made a landfall
  • Discretion and dignity
    Our people, especially the Filipinas, still observe delicadeza. Many Filipinos who always think twice before they make a decision that can affect their dignity and honor
  • Gratefulness
    Filipinos are also thankful. We don't forget anyone who helped us, whether he (she) is a Filipino or not. We even build monuments to show our utmost respect and gratitude
  • Honesty and commitment
    "palabra de honor" When we make a promise, we try our best to fulfill that promise even if it will undermine ourselves.
  • Helpfulness
    even if the Philippines is not a big and rich country, we still grant aids to other countries in need.
  • Family oriented
    Filipinos are willing to make big sacrifices just to make sure that their loved ones will have a good life. Many Filipino breadwinners work extraordinarily hard just to earn
  • Adaptability and resilience
    Filipinos are persistent enough to get back on their feet, even without the solid help from the government. Despite all the calamities that struck our country, like the strong earthquake and Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan)
  • Resourcefulness and creativity.
    We are creative in many ways, whether it's in art, music, science, technology and business. Some of our smartest countrymen can come up with a brilliant idea despite poverty or lack of financial resources.
  • Faithfulness
    The Filipinos are one of the most faithful people in the world. Whatever our religion is, we remain faithful and we don't lose hope for a better tomorrow
  • Thriftiness
    We shop wisely to save our money for future important uses. We are conscious on the price tag, discounts and quality of the products we buy to get the most out of our money.
  • Filipino negative values
    Crab mentality
    Filipino Time
    Colonial Mentality
    General Disregard for Rules
    "Mañana Habit"
    Passivity (lack of leadership)
  • Fatalism
    An ATTITUDE of "what goes around, comes around" or "come what may." We
    have a tendency to surrender our future to fate.
  • Crab mentality
    tend to push each other down to clear the way "If I can't have it, neither can your for their own gain.
  • Ningas-Kugon
    Translated to "burning cogon grass" in English, this idiom is meant to illustrate how Filipinos initially exhibit great enthusiasm at the beginning of a project.
  • Filipino Time
    refers to the Filipinos' own unique brand of time, which is known to be minutes or hours behind the standard time. In other words, we tend not to observe punctuality at all.
  • Colonial Mentality
    defined as a preference for all things foreign over our own, a negative trait we acquired from our days under the Spanish and the Americans.
  • General Disregard for Rules
    Filipinos are known law abiding individuals but with stronger inclination
    to disregard these laws. Many Filipino enforcers are corrupt, incompetent and ill equipped to enforce the law. So the tendency is to break and even ignore the laws.
  • Mañana Habit
    This is another habit which keeps the development of our country slow. Look at the government projects which have been left undone for years. Instead of working on a task while there is much time, we wait for the deadline because we feel lazy to start on them, or we want to use the time in other things.
  • Corruption
    One of the biggest social ills our country has continued to face since time immemorial is embedded deep within our system and reinforced by a complex web of economic and social factors which include personal ambitions and a twisted sense of loyalty to friends and kin.
  • Gossiping
    Filipinos are fond of talking about others' business.
  • Passivity (lack of leadership)

    Filipinos' lack of initiative for change is also one reason why our country does not progress. We keep on complaining against the government and other societal issues.
  • Weakness of the Filipino Character
    Extreme Personalism
    Extreme Family Centeredness
    Lack of Discipline
    Passivity and Lack of Initiative
    Colonial Mentality
    Kanya-Kanya Syndrome
    Lack of Self-analysis and Self-reflection
  • Extreme Personalism
    Filipinos view the world in terms of personal relationships; no separation between objective task and emotional involvement. "Take things personally".
  • Extreme Family Centeredness
    Excessive concern for family manifests itself in the use of one's office and power as a means of promoting the interest of the family, factionalism, patronage and political dynasties, and in the protection of erring family members.
  • Lack of Discipline
    A relaxed attitude towards time and space which manifests itself in lack of precision and compulsiveness, in poor time management and procrastination.
  • Passivity and Lack of Initiative
    Filipinos are generally passive and lacking in initiative. There is strong reliance on others (e.g., leaders, government) to do things for us related to our need for a strong authority.
  • Colonial Mentality
    the first is a lack of patriotism or an active awareness, appreciation and love of the Philippines; the second is an actual preference for foreign things.
  • Kanya-Kanya Syndrome
    Filipinos have a selfish, self-serving attitude that generates a feeling of envy and competitiveness toward others, particularly one's peers who seem to have gained some status or prestige.
  • Lack of Self-analysis and Self-reflection
    There is a tendency in the Filipino to be superficial and even somewhat flighty. In the face of serious problems, both personal and social, there is lack of
    analysis or reflection.
  • Lack of faith
    One of our excuses that our small actions can bring change.