
Cards (3)

  • A03; based on well controlled research
    • lab with high internal val and control of evs and cvs
    • allows for standardisation,replication,reliability
    • therefore, takes reductionist approach as breaks down behaviour into simple components allowing cause and effect relationships
    • thus has scientific credibility and covers one aim of science
    • however lacks mundane realism,ecological validility
  • A03; operant conditioning has real world application
    • used in some psychiatric hospitals in the form of token economy(extend)
    • increases QOL,return to work, benefit the economy
    • shows approach has high external validity and widespread credibility
  • A03; ethical concerns with animals
    • treated poorly, kept in harsh conditionins, starving
    • therefore CBA needs to take place
    • also cannot extrapolate findings due to different congnition and emotions however animals decrease demand characteristics
    • however studies cannot be carried out on humans so it still increases knowledge to an extent