Cards (6)

  • A01: outline
    bandura proposed behaviour is learnt from experience but proposed people learn via the observation and immitation of others
  • vicarious reinforcement 

    observing others recieving awards for behaviours motivates us to immitate behaviour
    • this is indirect learning= observing behaviour and its consequences and makes desicion whether to immitate
  • identification
    • more likely to immitate someone you identify with or see as a role model
    • eg they are attractive or have a high social status
  • mediational processes
    attention-notice behaviour
    retention- how well remembered
    motor reproduction-ability to copy action
    motivation- the will do behaviour
  • banduras research
    • children split into 2 groups, 1 group watched a video of the adult behaving aggressively towards bobo doll eg kicking it and the other adult was not aggressive
    • when the children in group 1 were observed, they were seen to aggressive towards bobo doll - identification
  • bandura and walters research
    • showed videos of children where an adult behaved aggressively towards bobo doll
    • g1 saw adult praised g2 saw adult punished and g3 saw no consequences- G1 children were most aggressive to bobo doll