recognises the importance of cognitive factors in learning, operant and classical conditioning cannot explain learning on their own
for example, animals and humans store info about behaviour and make a judgement via mediational processes ....
however there is little reference to the biological approach eg candidate genes making someone more aggressive
there for SLT takes more comprehensive stance but influence of biological factors understated
A03: RWA to explaining cultural differences
identification and vicarious reinforcement account for how children learn from people around them
this explains how cultural norms are transmitted down generations eg see mother doing behaviour(they identify with mother) so copy it
increases value of approach due to high external val and accountability for real life
also can be used to address and alter toxic social norms such as homophobia
A03; based on lab studies
bandura- lacksmundane realism, aggression not found in lab setting, low ecological validity and tells us little about how kids learn aggression in real life
BUT high control over cvs and evs allows standardisation...
observation of young people in banduras research may lead to DCs meaning children in research may have just been acting in a way which was expected of them