Aims and hypothesis

Cards (7)

  • Independent variable
    > This is the variable manipulated or is changed by the researcher to see if it has an effect on the dependant variable
  • Dependant variable
    > This is the variable that the researcher measures
    > To see the effect of the independent variable
  • Aim
    > This is a general statement of what the researcher intends to investigate, the purpose of the study
  • Hypothesis
    > This is a specific, testable statement in which the researcher predicts what will happen between the variables
  • Directional hypothesis (one tailed)
    > The researcher predicts the direction that they think the results will go in
  • Non-directional hypothesis (two tailed)
    > The researcher does not predict the direction that they think the results will go in
    > They just say there will be a difference
  • Null hypothesis
    > This simply states that the results gained were due to chance and not the independent variable that the researcher manipulated