Experimental methods

Cards (8)

  • Lab
    > An experiment conducted in a lab which is a highly controlled environment
    > Where the researcher manipulates the IV and measures the effect on the DV
  • Lab experiment AO3
    :) High control over extraneous variables, therefore cause and effect can be established
    :) High in reliability as it can easily be repeated
    :( Lacks ecological validity as it has been carried out in an artificial environment
    :( Prone to demand characteristics - help or hinder the researcher
  • Field experiment
    > An experiment which takes place in a natural environment such as an office or school
    > Where the researcher manipulates the IV and measures the effect on the DV
  • Field experiment AO3
    :) Less prone to demand characteristics as people may not know they are being watched
    :) High in ecological validity
    :( Low in reliability as the environment is natural
    :( This could create an ethical issue of lack of informed consent as people may not be aware they are being studied
  • Natural experiment
    > The researcher takes advantage of a naturally occurring IV
    > This is a natural experiment because the variable would have changed even if the experimenter was not interested
  • Natural experiment AO3
    :) Provide opportunities for research that may not have been undertaken for practical or ethical reasons eg rutters Romanian orphans
    :) High ecological validity as they are based on real life settings
    :( Naturally occurring event so lacks reliability as it is unlikely it will be able to be repeated
    :( Low control over extraneous variables
  • Quasi experiment
    > An experiment which has an IV based on an existing individual difference between people
    > Which the researcher has not manipulated eg age or gender
    > The researcher measures the effect on the DV
  • Quasi experiment AO3
    :( Sample bias as the sample being studied may have unique characteristics