
Cards (9)

  • written in 1945, but set in 1912
    british society changed significantly, notable political as well as societal differences.
  • socialism emerged in the 1940s in an attempt to find a more humane economic system than capitalism
  • in 1912, england was governed where capitalism was the dominant theory
  • in 1912, workers had little or no rights and were largely unprotected by unions, leaving them vulnerable and subject to exploitation
  • work in industrial factories in 1912 would have been very difficult and demanding, often with very poor working conditions
  • in 1912, little social provision for the poor meant financial assistance became the responsibility of charities
  • the hierarchical class system was very dominant in edwardian society
  • by 1945, two world wars had dramatically altered views about class
  • in 1912, women were largely seen to be subservient to men and had significantly fewer rights
    the suffragette movement campaigned for gender equality for women