rocks can differ in colour, texture, shape, size, weight mineral contents etc
Igneous rocks are when lava quickly cools ont the earth's crust (extrusive) or cools slowly in earth's crust (intrusive)
sedimentary rocks are formed when sediments accumalate on the sea bed over millions of years.
Sedimentary rock's weight and the wight of the overlying water compress, compact & cement the lower layer into solid rock
Metamorphic rocks are formed when one rock changes into another as a result of great heat from conatact with magma and/or pressure from colliding plates
Examples of igneous rocks are basalt and granite.
Examples of sedimentary rocks are limestone and sandstone
Examples of metamorphic rocks are quartize and marble
Basalt is form when lava cools (extrusive)on the earth's crust because of exposure to air & water
Granite is formed when magma cools slowly(millions of years) in the earth's crust (intrusive)
Basalt is used for road construction, road chippings or cobblestone
Granite is used in constructions for buildings e.g patio
You can find basalt in Co. Antrim Giant's causeway
You can find Granite in Dublin Wicklow mountains
limestone is formed when marine life accuumulat on the sea bed .
Their weight and the weight of the overlying compress, compact & cement the lower layer into limestone
Limestone forms in lava called strata.
Limestone has vertical weaknesses called joints and horizontal weaknesses called bedding planes
You can find limestone in the Midlands in the Burren Co. Clare
You can use limestone for construction e.g stone walls, porches
Sandstone is formed when sand is carried to the sea by wind or rivers, it accumulates. Over millions of years the weight of the sand deposits &the weight of the water compress,compact and cement the lowers layers into sandstone.
Sandstone is porous and is capable of storing gas
Sandstone is used for constructione.g crushed road chippings, walls, porches
Marble is formed when limestone is in contact with magma and pressure from colliding plates it melts and crystalizes as marble
You can find marble in Connemara Co. Galway
Marble can be used for decorative trophies such as countertops, tiles, tabletops, statues etc
Quartzite is formed when sandstone is subjected to great heat and pressure it melts and crystalizes as quartzite
You can find quartzite top of the Sugar Loaf Co. Wicklow
Quartzite can be used for countertops, glass watch faches, road chippings