Music videos regularly make reference to relevant popular culture - referencing other artists, films or celebrities, often those that match their brand identity
Music videos became popular in the 1990s through MTV and other channels - audience attitudes towards representations of social groups/issues have changed since then
Modern audiences are likely to respond poorly to prejudicial stereotypes in music videos - rap music videos in the early 2000s were largely criticised for sexual objectification of women
1. To provide straight forward, visual context for the lyrics
2. To communicate core messages within the lyrics with more impact in a way that offers the audience more clarity
3. To create disjuncture - The effect of disunity between the lyrics and the visuals can be powerful as it challenges audiences to reassess their own perceptions of the song's meaning
Due to the Internet and YouTube, viewers have more freedom. Music-video producers have had to make more creative videos to compete with the increased choice offered online.
The video makes direct references to historical acts of racism in the music business. Lil Nas X's white counterpart, Billy Ray, assures him that now he has support from him (a white person) there won't be a problem.
Racism in music genres is nothing new. The Billboard incident brings attention to how suppression of diversity is used as a tool to maintain boundaries and reinforce cultural norms.
Lil Nas X demonstrates how the digital age is blurring lines and enabling marginalised groups to create and distribute their own music without the control of music companies.
Lil Nas X showcases how musicians from marginalised groups can be successful by utilising apps and social media for their own ends
Operating in two domains (esp. country and hip-hop, which are historically intolerant to gender and sexual diversity) illustrates how Internet-based fan cultures can work more independently than with traditional power structures
TikTok is presented as a tool for disenfranchised groups to use and bypass typical industry mechanisms that discriminate
Old Town Road is a narrative performance video that opens with a horse chase. Lil Nas and his buddy are presented as robbers. Lil Nas escapes forward in time through a tunnel and is eventually reunited with his peer. They then introduce the town to a new dance.
Wide shot establishing 1889 setting of rural terrain
Country is often associated with America's Deep South ('redneck' country)
Using a setting which represents the country-style music heard reinforces the whiteness associated with it, and the working-class, patriarchal, parochialism of the place
The ever-present echo of these attitudes in modern-day culture is presented in the change of scene to '2019' Old Town Road
Lil Nas' out-of-place moment in a different time zone also solidifies the fact that he as an artist is 'somewhere different'
The exchange to an African American urban neighbourhood is the next setting, perhaps signalling a new era for the hybridisation of country/hip-hop genres. It also introduces a new stage in the narrative.
Despite being in the midst of various personal feuds, which would eventually split the band in 1983, The Specials released Ghost Town, which is widely considered to be the revival's defining anthem
The Specials performed on Top of the Pops - a television programme showcasing music from the UK chart. The availability of the MTV music channel was still fairly limited at the time.
He is thought to have contributed significantly to the visual aesthetic of British punk and the post-punk movement
He is primarily recognised for his graphic design and album cover artwork, but he went on to direct music videos for Elvis Costello and Squeeze as well as The Specials
The track was released shortly after the Brixton riots - between the song's release and its topping of the UK charts, violent riots also broke out in Handsworth, Toxteth and Southall, among other places