Full Employment Bill - A legislative proposal aiming to achieve full employment by maintaining a stable economy through government intervention + spending
McCarthyism - A period of intense anti-communist sentiment + persecution in the Us, characterised by Senator Joseph McCarthy's aggressive tactics + accusations of communist sympathies
Interstate Highway Act - Legislation signed by President Eisenhower, authorising the construction of a vast network of interstate highways across the US, facilitating travel + commerce
Great Society Program - Domestic programs initiated by President Johnson, aimed at eliminating poverty + racial injustice, + promoting education + healthcare
'Model Cities' Act - Legislation aimed at revitalising urban areas by providing federal funds for comprehensive community planning + development projects
Watergate Scandal - Political scandal involving the Nixon administration's efforts to cover up its involvement in the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters, leading to President Richard Nixon's resignation
JFK tax cuts + public works - Economic policies implemented by President Kennedy, including tax cuts to stimulate economic growth + public works projects to create jobs + infrastructure improvements