Physical training

Cards (81)

  • What is the definition of health?
    state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and ot merely the absence of disease or infirmity
  • What is the definition of fitness?

    ability to meet the demands of the environment
  • What is agility?

    ability to move or change direction quickly, at speed, whilst maintaining control
  • What is balance?
    the ability to keep the body still by maintaining the centre of mass
  • What are the two types of balance?
    ~ static: performed with little or no movement (handstand)
    ~ dynamic: performed with movement takes place during balance (cartwheel)
  • What is cardiovascualr endurance?
    Ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to working muscles for a long period of time
  • What is cardiovascular endurance also know as?
    aerobic power
  • What is coordination?
    ability to use two or more body parts together smoothly and efficiently
  • What is flexibility?

    range of movement possible at a joint
  • What is muscular endurance?
    ability of a muscle or group of muscles to undergo repeated contractions over a long period of time without tiring
  • What is power?
    the product of strength and speed
  • What is power also know as?

    ~ explosive strength
    ~ anaerbic power
  • What is reaction time?

    time taken to initiate a response to a stimulus
  • What is strength?

    the ablity to overcome resistance
  • What are the four types of strength?
    ~ maximal
    ~ static
    ~ explosive
    ~ dynamic
  • Whtat is maximal strength?
    greatest force that is possible in a single maximum muscle contraction
  • What is static strength?
    the amount of force exerted on an object that you cannot move, the body is stationary and the muscle length stays the same
  • What is explosive strength?
    amount of force exerted in one quick muscle contraction
  • What is dynamic strength?
    amount of force that can be exerted repeatedly by a muscle
  • What is speed?

    maximum rate at which an individual is able to perform a movement or cover a distance in a period of time
  • What are the reasons for fitness testing?
    ~ identitying strengths and weakness
    ~ establishing a starting level of fitness and monitor improvement
    ~ motivation
    ~ providing variety
  • What are the limitations to fitness testing?
    ~ often generic and not sport specific
    ~ do not replicate sporting movements
    ~ do not replicate competition environment
    ~ require high levels of motivation
  • What is quatitative data? 

    data that focuses on measuring things and involves numbers
  • What is qualitative data?

    data that focuses on understanding things, description about peoples opinions, about the way they feel, think and behave.
  • What test measures agility?
    Illionois agility test
  • What test measures balance?
    stork balance test
  • What test measures cardiovascular endurance?
    multi stage fitness test
  • What test measures coordination?
    wall toss test
  • What test measures flexibility?
    sit and reach test
  • What test measures muscular endurance?
    sit up bleep test
  • What test measures power/explosive strength?
    vertical jump test
  • What test measures reaction time?
    ruler drop test
  • What test measures maximal strength?
    one rep max test
  • What test measures speed?
    30 metre sprint test
  • What test measures strength?
    handgrip dynamometer test
  • How do you calculate maximum heart rate?
  • How do you calculate aerboic training zone?
    60%-80% of MHR
  • How do you calculate aerboic training zone?
    80%-90% of MHR
  • What does the S in SPORT stand for?

    specificity: specific to sport or activity
  • What does the PO in SPORT stand for?
    progressive overload: increasing the amount overload using the FITT principle so that gains occur