
Cards (12)

  • Remains
    Simon Armitage
    Context: Set in the Iraq war. True story of Guardsman Tromans.
    Content: First person narrative. Was called to investigate a robbery.. Soldier attempts to justify himself for the murder of a robber. Suffering from PTSD
    Purpose: Delves into the psychological toll of conflict. The vivid imagery and emotive language convey the moral complexities and enduring scars of war
  • Bayonet Charge
    Ted Hughes
    Context: His father fought in WW1. Hughes' work was particularly rooted in the savagery of animals. Animals can be compared to humans as they live out a struggle for survival of the fittest while humans strive for ascendancy and success
    Content: WW1 Soldier charging at enemy with bayonet, questioning his role in battle. A bayonet is a brutal weapon that causes survivable wounds
    Purpose: Hughes critiques the lies made to young men through the propaganda of war . Highlights the contrast between patriotism and the reality of war
  • Poppies
    Jane Weir
    Context: Jane wanted to write a poem from the point of view of a mother and son relationship.
    Content: Is a dramatic monologue. The son joined the army three days before Remembrance Day. She remembers how she had put a poppy on her son's blazer before he left
    Purpose: Shows the effects of war on those who are not at war
  • My Last Duchess
    Robert Browning
    Context: The poem was written during the Industrial Revolution, a time when social mobility was emerging in terms of class and gender. Women were beginning to demand equality, challenging the traditional roles assigned to them. 
    Content: A duke with a painting of his duchess on the wall. He wanted full control over her. Didn't like the way she looked at others. He believes he is all-powerful
    Purpose: To illustrate the unjust gender roles during the 16th century.
  • Charge Of The Light Brigade
    Alfred Lord Tennyson
    Context: Was a failed military action, during the Crimean war. Where a commander sent mixed messages leading to soldiers charging right at the guns on horsebacks
    Content: As they made the charge, over half of the 600 were either killed, injured or taken prisoner
    Purpose: To convey ideas of patriotism. Published after the war honouring the soldiers for their bravery
  • Exposure
    Wilfred Owen
    Context: Owen was a soldier which gives the poem more legitimacy. Was a Christian. Died at war
    Content: Describes war as a battle against the weather and conditions. Begin to question their decisions after nothing happens
    Purpose: To draw attention to the suffering and futility of war. The speaker describes the misery felt by soldiers waiting overnight in the trenches, exposed to extreme cold and terrifying conditions.
  • London
    William Blake
    Context: Blake wrote this poem to illustrate how London, a city he loved, was changing beyond recognition due to the Industrial Revolution
    Content: Describes a walk through the city of London. Notices how everyone he sees look troubled
    Purpose: Suggests that the suffering of the people is caused by those in power e.g. the Church, Monarchy and Government
  • Storm On The Island
    Seamus Haney
    Context: Was published in a time of political tensions in Northern Ireland during the 20th century which is now known as the Troubles.
    Content: Describes the power of nature and weather. Speaker says that they are prepared for the storm but as the poem goes on this confidence begins to disappear
    Purpose:  The poem serves as both a vivid depiction of a storm and a metaphor for broader struggles politically
  • Ozymandias
    Percy Shelley
    Context: The ruins of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, Ramesses II
    Content: About a decaying statue of Ozymandias. Highlights the hubris of a man who believed that he would be remembered forever
    Purpose: Shelley points out the power of nature and its ability to destroy/erode
  • Extract from "The Prelude"

    William Wordsworth
    Context: True story from the author's childhood. Is ]a Romantic poem that focuses on nature’s beauty and power
    Content: Nature is portrayed as powerful. He rode his boat until he saw a mountain, got scared and went back
    Purpose: Wants us to embrace the natural world
  • War Photographer
    Carol Ann Duffy
    Context: The poem centres around a war photographer, these photographers risk their lives to document the harsh realities of war and its effects on people
    Content: Examines the life of a war photographer who takes pictures of conflicts. Contrasts the photographer’s dark room, where he develops his haunting images, with the scenes of horror he witnessed
    Purpose: To show the reality of the life of anyone related with war. Delves into the psychological and moral dilemmas faced by photographers capturing the suffering and violence of conflicts around the world.
  • Kamikaze
    Beatrice Garland
    Context: A kamikaze is a suicide pilot who risks their life for their country.
    Content: The pilot decides to go back home instead of committing suicide on his mission
    Purpose: Explores a national and personal conflict. The poem vividly captures the emotional aftermath of war and the complexities faced by those who sacrifice themselves for their country