Cards (3)

  • STRENGTH- holistic approach
    • does not attempt to break complex behaviours down into simple components
    • for example behaviourist explain as stimulus response connections
    • holism follows subjective experiences, can only be understood considering whole person
    • thus more comprehensive approach with higher mundane realism so high ecological validity
    • HOWEVER- non scientific and no control, cannnot standardised, repeat for reliabiliy and less C+E relationships
    • for example rogers client centred therapy led to counselling, successful therapy globally for mental disorders
    • improve QOL, return to work, contribute to the economy
  • LIMITATION- culturally bias
    • for example, many central ideas such as self actualisation more associated with western, individualistic cultures instead of collectivst
    • collectivist cultures eg japan, prioritise the needs of the group and community and rely on interdependance
    • thus generalising humanitic approach to other cultures has risk of imposed etic, more culturally relative research needed in collectivist cultures regarding humanistic ideas to be able to generalise to all- thus a limited application