Cards (8)

  • A01; outline
    freud states the mind is largely unconscious(biological instinct which influence personality and behaviour)
  • 3 parts to the mind 

    conscious- part of mind which is aware
    preconscious-contains thoughts and memories which arent in conscious awareness but can be accessed
    unconscious-hold repressed memories as a defence mechanism to trauma which can come to light during dreams or freudian slip
  • the structure of personality
    the id=pleasure principle, primitive aspects of behaviour aim for immediate gratification(birth to 18 months)
    the ego=reality principle,mediator between id and superego and involved in defence mechanisms(18 months to 3 years old)
    super ego=morality principle, formed at end of the phallic stage, internal sense of wrong and right and punishes/praises the ego based on this(3-6 years)
  • defensive mechanisms(ego) 

    unconscious and ensure not overwhelmed by trauma
    • repression= forcing distressing memory out of conscious mind
    • denial=refusing to acknowledge some aspect of reality
    • displacement= transferring feelings from true source to a substitute
  • psychosexual stages
    • freud believes child development happens in 5 stages, each stage marks a different conflict which child must resolve
    • unresolved conflicts lead to fixations in adulthood
  • 5 stages
    1. oral, focus on mouth=oral fixation such as smoking/biting nails
    2. anal,focus on holding and expelling faeces=anal expulsive(messy) or anal retentive(perfectionist)
    3. phallic stage, genital area= narcissitic personality
    4. latency,sexual desires repressed
    5. genital,sexual desires become conscious
  • oedipus complex
    • boys desire closeness with mother, father is rival
    • boys fear their father will castrate them
    • to reduce anxiety boys identify with father
  • electra complex
    • girls desire closeness with father, dont fear mother- no castration anxiety
    • girls fear losing mothers love
    • to reduce anxiety girls identify with mothers