Safely compare different rates of evaporation and crystallisation for copper sulphate solution
1. Dissolve copper sulphate crystals in distilled water in beaker
2. Copper sulphate solution into two evaporating basins (A = fast, B = slow)
3. Evaporating basin A on tripod with gauze mat over bunsen burner
4. Heat A gently, use thermometer to ensure temp is just below boiling point + stopwatch to measure time
5. Allow A to evaporate until crystals form, record time taken
6. Leave B in well ventilated area at room temp
7. Allow B to evaporate naturally without additional heat + record time taken for crystals to start forming
8. Once crystals start to form in both basins, transfer them to separate crystallization dishes + allow them to cool + continue to crystallize
9. Compare size, shape, purity of crystals from A and B