physics p1

Cards (18)

  • Radioactive decay
    Certain nuclei are unstable and will decay by emitting radiation
  • Stable nucleus
    • Has the right amount of neutrons for the number of protons it has
  • Unstable nucleus
    • Has too many or too few neutrons and will decay naturally
  • Types of radioactive radiation
    • Alpha particle
    • Beta particle
    • Gamma ray
  • Alpha particle
    A heavy particle consisting of 2 protons and 2 neutrons
  • Alpha decay
    1. Atomic number decreases by 2
    2. Mass number decreases by 4
  • Beta particle
    A fast moving electron emitted from the nucleus
  • Beta decay

    1. Atomic number increases by 1
    2. Mass number stays the same
  • Gamma ray

    High energy electromagnetic radiation emitted from the nucleus
  • Gamma ray emission

    No change in atomic or mass number
  • Ionising power
    The ability to convert an atom or molecule into a charged particle by adding or removing electrons
  • Geiger-Muller tube

    Can detect all types of radioactive decay
  • Half-life
    The time it takes for the number of nuclei of a radioactive sample to halve
  • Count rate
    The number of decays recorded each second by a detector
  • Resistors
    Components in an electric circuit that oppose or limit the current
  • Resistors
    • Each resistor has a set resistance which does not change
    • Resistors come in different types, and may be fixed or variable
    • A variable resistor allows you to change the current in a circuit by changing its resistance
  • Ohmic resistors
    Components that obey Ohm's Law, meaning their resistance does not change with the current
  • Non-ohmic resistors
    Components that do not obey Ohm's Law, their resistance changes as the current changes