An analytical instrument used to measure the intensity of light passing through a sample, and to determine the concentration of chemical species in the sample
Analytical Methods and Instrumentation
Electromagnetic Energy
Electromagnetic Energy
Radiant energy fromshort wavelength gamma rays to long wavelength radio waves. They are photons of energy traveling in a wavelike manner. The shorter the wavelength, the higher theelectromagnetic energy.
Types of Electromagnetic Energies
Visible spectrum – 400 – 700nm
Ultraviolet region (UV) - < 400nm
Infrared region (IR) - > 700nm
The distance between peaks as light is envisioned to travel in a wavelike manner. It is expressed in terms of Nanometer (nm), Angstrom (A), and Millimicrons (mµ).
The number of vibrations of wave motions per second, derived from the Planck's Formula. The lower the wave frequency, the longer the wavelength.
The distance between peak and trough. The higher the amplitude, the more intense the light = the more light energy.
The wavelength is inversely related to frequency and energy; the shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency and energy and vice versa.
The Visible Light Wavelength and Corresponding Absorbed/Transmitted Colors
350-430 nm: Violet/Yellow
430-475 nm: Blue/Orange
475-495 nm: Blue Green/Red-Orange
495-505 nm: Green-Blue/Orange-Red
505-555 nm: Green/Red
555-575 nm: Yellow-Green/Violet-Red
575-600 nm: Yellow/Violet
600-650 nm: Orange/Blue
650-700 nm: Red/Green
Two primary considerations: Quality of the color and Intensity of the color
All the light passes through the sample. To measure the intensity of the incident light, the sample must be removed so that all the light can pass through.
Double Beam Spectrophotometer
The light source is split into two separate beams. One passes through the sample and the other is used for reference.
Types of Spectrophotometers by Light Source
Visible Light (400-700 nm)
Ultraviolet Light
Infrared Light
Ultraviolet light Spectrophotometer
Used for fluids and solids. Quartz cuvettes are used for placing the samples.
Visible light Spectrophotometer
Can use incandescent, halogen, LED, or a combination of these sources and vary in accuracy.
Infrared Spectrophotometer
Helps to study different structures of molecules and their vibrations.
Parts of the Spectrophotometer
Light Source
Entrance Slit
Exit Slit
Analytical Cell or Cuvette
Meter/Read-out Device
Light Source
Provides radiant energy in the form of visible or non-visible light that may pass through the monochromator.
Entrance Slit
Minimizes unwanted or stray light and prevents the entrance of scatteredlight into the monochromator system.
Isolates specific wavelength of light.
Types of Monochromators
Exit Slit
Controls the width of light beam (bandpass) - allows only a narrow fraction of the spectrum to reach the sample cuvette. Spectral purity is reflected by the bandpass - the narrower the bandpass, the greater the resolution.
Analytical Cell or Cuvette
Used to hold the solution in the instrument whose concentration is to be measured. It is made of glass, quartz or plastic.
Types of Cuvettes
Borosilicate Glass Cuvette – for solutions that do not etch glass
Quartz or Plastic – does not absorb UV radiation at wavelength below 320 nm
Alumina Silica Glass – good for 340 nm and above (visible)
Barrier Layer Cell (Photocell/Photovoltaic Cell)
Phototube (Photoemissive tube)
Photomultiplier (PM) Tube
Meter/Read-out Device
Simplest method of displaying output of the detection system.
Beer's Law or Beer-Lambert's Law
States that the concentration of the unknown substance is directly proportional to the absorbed light (absorbance or optical density) and inversely proportional to the amount of transmitted light (% transmittance).