Aim: To investigate if participants can use different parts of WMM at the same time
Procedure: Participants had to perform a dual task of repeating numbers and verbal true or false question
Baddeley and Hitch (1976):
Results: As the number of digits increased, participants took slightly longer to reply, thus proving WMM exists
KF study:
KF was a victim of brain damage from a motorbike accident
Although his ability to process verbal information was damaged (phonological), his ability to process visual information (visuospatial) was perfectly fine, showing they're separate stores
HM study:
HM underwent brain surgery to remove his hippocampus, controlling his seizures
As a result, he could no longer make new memories, however, could recall childhood memories
This supports the linear model as it shows you cant unlock the LTM before it processes through the STM
Clive Wearing study:
Clive got a disease that eradicated his hippocampus
This meant that he could still use STM but not "make memories".
This supports the linear model as it shows that memory has to go through each unitary store