Georges podcast - industry

Cards (9)

  • the BBC
    public service broadcaster
    their remit says they must inform, educate and entertain
  • how is the BBC reflective in the podcast
    informative and educational content about politics, culture and history
    entertainment - music, guests, drama and clips
  • how does the fact the BBC is publicly funded impact content
    don't need to target mass audiences to please advertisers

    can take more risks and make niche content for specialised audiences
  • how could the podcast be considered 'niche'
    aimed at a youngish, black audience
    this may have made the podcast appealing for the BBC to add diversity
  • who's BBC radio 5's target audience
    male, 40+, white, middle class
    the podcast could be an attempt by the BBC to draw in a more diverse audience to radio 5
    reflects companies effort to stay relevant as radio listenership is declining
  • BBC's resources
    the podcast had access to the BBC's resources and facilities to help with production

    regularly use BBC concert orchestra to record music for the podcast
    source clips & other materials from the BBC archives - old shows and documentaries
  • BBC sounds
    podcast is available on BBC sounds - reflecting the trend for audiences using technology and wanting media on demand
  • watershed & content warnings
    as its on demand they don't have to consider the watershed and can include more adult themes and language

    added content warnings onto the episode descriptions to help warn audiences and can also draw in target audience
  • the appeal of George - success & engagement
    George has full creative control due to his previous success in the music industry
    he could attract pressed fans of his and engage young black audiences
    reputation for focusing on social and political issues