Otto Van Bismarck - for him healthcare was not expensive
President William Truman - he proposed national health insurance in 1945-1948
2014 - This year, healthcare reform in the US mandated health coverage for all citizens and legal residents through *state-based exchanges*
ACA 2010 - it is a significant healthcare reform initiative that was signed into law by President Barach Obama in March 2010
Article 24 - What article is the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of health
Human-made Disasters - it causes devastation and costs of lives and property
Department of Homeland Security - it was created after the attack of 9/11 and remains part of the US culture
150 - laboratories did the CDC operate to identify threats and provide information on prevention and treatment during disaster threats?
Expectant - what is it called when someone has little to no chance of survival?
Social Justice - asided form autonomy it is also the major consideration concerning response to disasters
Triage - decisions often involve balancing between beneficence and nonmaleficence
Disaster Plan - preparedness requires individuals to develop what