
Cards (9)

  • Hominisation
    The long process that resulted in human beings (Homo sapiens) evolving from primates
  • Hominisation
    1. Global warming caused large areas of forest to disappear
    2. Some primates in Africa underwent physical changes and evolved into apes
    3. The first hominins evolved over time into human beings
  • Important physical changes in hominisation
    • Bipedalism (walking on two legs)
    • Increased cranial capacity (brain size)
  • Hominins became more intelligent and developed the ability to use language to communicate
  • Human beings were able to make tools and invent techniques to control their environment, and transmit that knowledge to new generations
  • Distinguishing features of the human skeleton
    • Flat forehead, decreased brow ridges, appearance of chin
    • Head balanced on spine, increased cranial capacity
    • Straight spine and short pelvis, allowing upright walking
  • Bipedalism (walking on two legs)

    Freed the hands for making and handling tools
  • Increased cranial capacity (brain size)

    Allowed for the development of the brain
  • Human beings are the result of a long and complex evolution