'It isn't as if youcant go and worksomewhere else. Inspector:quiteso.''Well, I think it's a damn shame. Why shouldn't they try for higher wages?
'Inspector: Isnt he used to drinking? Mrs Birling: No of course not. Hes only a boy.
privileged and blames others
'(bitterly)You havent madeit any easier for me, have you, Mother?
Accepting of his wrong
'Yes I insisted-it seems. Im notveryclear about it, but afterwardsshe told meshe didn't want me to go in but that- well, I was in thatstatewhere a chapeasilyturnsnasty- and I threatened to make a row.
'And that's whenithappened. And I didn't even remember- that's the hellishthing.Oh-myGod!- how stupid it all is!
Infantilised by Eva
'She didn'twant me to marry her. Said I didn'tlove her- and allthat. In a way, shetreated me- as if I were a kid. Though I was nearlyasold as she was.
tries to right his wrong
'I insisted on giving her enoughmoney to keep her going- until she refused to take anymore.' 'You mean you stole the money? Eric: Notreally.
blames others, anger
'Then- you killed her. She came to you to protectme-and you turnedher away- yes, and you killed her- and the childshed have hadtoo-my child- yourowngrandchild- you killed them both- damn you, damnyou-
'Whoever that chap was, the factremains that IdidwhatIdid. And mother did what shedid. And the restofyou did what youdid to her.