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  • Sonnet 29 context
    Written as part of a series of sonnets for her future husband, Robert Browning
  • Neutral tones context
    Thomas Hardy was Famous for the pessimistic tone in his writing and faced many disappointments in his personal relationships 
  • Before You Were Mine
    Themes: Family relationship- independence, strong bond, admiration, rebellion, desire and longing, getting older, memory
    Compare with: Mother, any distance, Eden Rock
    "shriek at the pavement./ Your polka-dot dress blows round your legs. Marilyn"
    Caesura draws attention to "Marilyn" - glamorous and desirable film star, but also a tragic figure that committed suicide aged 36, hints at unhappiness yet to come.
    "The decade ahead of my loud, possessive yell was the best one, eh?"
    Rhetorical question. The narrator was a demanding baby, her mum sacrifice her life as a film star for her. Conversational tone, and colloquial language that suggests to familiarity.
    "That glamorous love lasts / where you sparkle and waltz and laugh before you were mine."
    Lexical field of glitz and glam. The repetition of the word "and" put emphasis on how many energetic qualities the narrator thinks her mother had.
    "Clear as scent" - simile, use of sensory language, sysnthesia
    Tone: Possessive, admiring tone.
  • Before you were mine - Context
    imagery comes from photos of her mother, sense of frustration for not knowing her mother before she was born
    Perhaps she feels distant from her mother, who was unaware how life changing having a child can be
    Carol had 6 siblings and so would've witnessed the sacrifices her mum made
  • Before You Were Mine - Carol Ann Duffy
    Autobiographical poem and makes references to the streets of Glasgow (George Square), conveying Duffy's nostalgia for her home city
  • Before you were mine form
    Consistent with 4 equal stanzas of 5 lines reflect steady passage of time and shows how narrator dislikes changes
  • Before you were mine structure
    Cyclical - Begins and ends on a "pavement"; one is the "right path" whilst the other is "wrong"
    Clear divide between before and after Duffy birth, emphasising their distance
    Maybe she doesn't want to make the same mistake as her mother
  • Colloquial language in bywm
    "Eh" shows a close, personal, and familial bond between them
  • "Sweetheart?" And possessive language in bywm

    Role reversal rebels against the passage of time and motherhood
    "Mine" emphasises Duffy desire for control
    "I wanted the bold girl" highlights the irony of her nostalgia and desire for the younger version of her mother
  • Admiration in bywm
    Admires her mother's "boldness" and "glamour" and compares her to +Marilyn" (monroe)
    Feels guilty for forcing her mother into motherhood instead of letting her be a woman
  • Aging in bywm
    Subtle yet poignant
    Narrator imagines her mothers former self alongside the present reality, highlighting the bittersweet nature of growing older, motherhood, and enduring familial connections
  • Neutral tones form

    1st and last line of each stanza rhyme;the past haunts narrator & actions have consequences
  • Neutral tones structure
    Cyclical -starts and ends at pond
    Shows he's been repeatedly hurt by love
  • Loss & suffering in nt
    Narrator feels strong emotions about his incessant love life
    "Pain", "death", "punishment" - connotes to guilt and so maybe he believes he deserves it
  • Death & lifelessness in nt
    Death of relationship and dying love
    "Greyish" tones
    Starving sod
    Deadest thing
    Trees turned to "ash"
    Connotions of death and decaying - highlighting death of relationships and lack of love
  • Ponds
    Ponds are disconnected from rivers and seas, so water is still and isolated. The relationship will not move forward and narrator feels isolated in his relationships
  • Sonnet 29 - I think of thee! Form

    Petrararchan sonnet is about distance between 2 lovers and iambic pentameter suggests traditional or true love/emphasises the rebellion
    Volta is usually in the 8th line but is instead in 5th line, breaking tradition and conformist attitudes
    Also shows that their love is so deep that they solve problems faster than usual
    Italian style sonnet rhyme scheme shows unconventionality of the relationship
  • Sonnet 29 language

    Pronoun "thee" is repeated, showing speakers longing and desire
    Auditory imagery of "rustle" and "shattered" show that her and her lover are familiar with each other
  • Natural imagery in s29
    Extended metaphor/conceit
    Vine = her thoughts
    "Twine" and "bud" show how narrators love is untameable
    Flower imagery was used to explore female sexuality, shunned at time of writing, rebellious
  • Follower form
    Abab rhyme scheme, one perfect & one slight
    Perfect = father, slight = son
    Shows that He'll never live up to his fathers aptitudes of farming
    Inconsistent iambic pentameter= tensions
  • Follower structure
    Cyclical narrative - "I stumbled in his hob-nailed wake" "it is my father who keeps stumbling behind me" _ demonstrates strong paternal bond between them and support each other
    Roles of parent and child have reversed as time goes on, emphasising the bittersweet nature of aging and parental relationships, even if they annoy each other

    Neat, stable structure could show admiration for father's perfection or reflect claustrophobic environment growing up. Shows he still loves his dad after arhuments
  • Follower language
    Consonance in "pluck", "worked", "clicking" replicate fathers harsh workload - reflects both admiration of father and feeling that his dad is working him hard
  • Admiration in follower
    Onomatopoeia (yapping, clicking) and nautical references (simile (see below) and rolled over) show how narrator vividly recalls
    Semantic field of perfection - "expert", "[mapped] the furrow exactly" show admiration
    "Shoulders globed like a full sail strung"
  • Neutral Tones - Structure1
    Ellipse on the 12th line~ marks the end of the relationship

    Change in tenses~ first 3 stanzas are the past tense, last stanza is the present tense.
  • Neutral Tones - Structure2
    The rhythmic pattern of the poem is not consistent. This maybe echoes the uncomfortable feeling which existed between the two people

    The overall structure of the poem is circular rather than linear as it starts and ends in the same geographical place. One interpretation of this is that the speaker has not come to terms with what has happened and revisits the memory.
  • Neutral Tones - Structure3
    Rhyme scheme of ABBA, CDDC...
    > Its simplicity supports the idea of a neutral telling of the tale

    Rhythmic pattern is not consistent
    > Maybe echoes the uncomfortable feeling which existed between the two people involved and in the eventual breakdown of their relationship
    > Disruption suggest he is not as 'neutral' about the breakup as he is protraying

    Circular structure(returns to beginning)
    > Suggests the speaker is revisits the memory as he has not come to terms with what has happened
  • NT vs when we 2 parted
    - morbid references to represent sadness
    - Sibilance to create a quiet, somber tone
    - NT uses natural imagery whilst ww2p reflects on his internalised feelings
  • Extended metaphor of coldness in ww2p
    She appears cold to him so she might've ended the relationship
  • Love's philosophy rhyming couplets

    Suggests intensity and unchanging nature of his desire
  • "Perfectly pure" porphyria lover
    Plosive alliteration, greedy
  • As a shut bud that holds a bee, pl
    Flower imagery = perfection won't last
  • Porphyria's lover lack of stanzas
    Stream of conscience
    passive unfurling of events
    speaker views his thoughts as natural
  • Starving sod sibilance in nt
    Somber tone
  • Time change in letters from yorkshire
    Relationship is continuous, multiple seasons are spoken of
  • Walking away
    The father comes to the understanding that aging is a natural process. Every child has to experience the difficult process of gaining independence and every parent has to let go.
  • Eden rock vs nt
    Extensive natural imagery to comfort the speaker, but to also rationalise their respective situations within the relationships
  • Inconsistent form in winter swans
    Unpredictable nature of relationships
  • Sonnet 29 vs singh song
    - all consuming nature of love
    - overly positive attitude towards romance
    - sexual implications ("pinnie untied","thy trunk all bare")
    - rebellious
    - s29 has a more traditional structure w consistent rhythm - singh wants to break out of father's traditional role
    - s29 rhymes whereas ss uses informal language to make their romance more memorable
  • Climbing my grandfather vs follower
    - Idolising a family member
    - extended metaphor of an extreme sport to reflect the experience of getting to know & maintaining a relationship
    - cmg has a loose structure to be more personal
    - cmg is present, follower is reflecting