Impact of physical factors

Cards (5)

  • Climate
    • Mainly impacts on the inputs and outputs
    • Climate has a role in influencing the type and amount of precipitation overall and the amount of evaporation (i.e. the major inputs and outputs)
    • Climate also has an impact on vegetation type
  • ​Soils
    • Largely affect the relative importance of the different flows within the system (of these flows perhaps the most important is surface runoff)
    • Soils determine the amount of infiltration and throughflow, and indirectly, the type of vegetation
  • Geology
    • Largely affects the relative importance of the different flows within the system (of these flows perhaps the most important is surface runoff)
    • Geology can impact on subsurface processes such as percolation and groundwater flow (and, therefore, on aquifers)
    • Indirectly, geology affects soil formation.
  • Relief
    • ​Largely affects the relative importance of the different flows within the system (of these flows perhaps the most important is surface runoff)
    • Relief can impact on the amount of precipitation. 
    • Slopes can affect the amount of runoff. 
  • Vegetation
    • Largely affects the relative importance of the different flows within the system (of these flows perhaps the most important is surface runoff)
    • The presence or absence of vegetation has a major impact on the amount of interception, infiltration and occurrence of overland flow, as well as on transpiration rates.