biological molecules

Cards (20)

  • maltose
    glucose and glucose
  • sucrose
    glucose and fructose
  • lactose
    glucose and galactose
  • bond between monosaccharides
    glycosidic bond
  • test for starch
    add iodine. positive = blue-black
  • properties of starch
    insoluble so doesn't effect water potential. compact. made up of alpha glucose so when hydrolysed it is released and used easily for respiration. branched form has many ends which can easily be worked on by enzymes
  • properties of glycogen
    shorter than starch. insoluble. compact so can be stored in a small space. more highly branched than starch so more ends to be worked on by enzymes.
  • properties of cellulose
    made up of beta glucose. form long straight, unbranched chains. cellulose chains run parallel to each other and are linked by hydrogen bonds. molecules group to form microfibrils which group to form fibres.
  • role of lipids
    source of energy, waterproofing, insulation and protection.
  • what are triglycerides made up of?
    three fatty acids and a glycerol molecule. fatty acid and glycerol joined by ester bonds.
  • structure of phospholipid
    2 fatty acids, 1 glycerol and 1 phosphate molecule
  • test for lipids
    add ethanol, shake, add water, shake. positive = milky-white emulsion.
  • bond between amino acids
    peptide bond
  • test for proteins
    biuret test. add sodium hydroxide solution, add copper sulfate solution and mix. positive = purple
  • process of semi-conservative replication
    DNA helicase breaks the hydrogen bonds between bases. the double helix separates. each exposed polynucleotide strand acts as a template to which complementary free nucleotides bind by specific base pairing. nucleotides joined together during a condensation reaction by DNA polymerase. each new DNA molecule contains one of the original DNA strands.
  • what is ATP made up of
    adenine, ribose and 3 phosphates
  • which enzymes catalyses the hydrolysis of ATP
    ATP hydrolase
  • which enzyme catalyses the formation of ATP
    ATP synthase
  • what is the major role of ATP
    an immediate energy source
  • why is a high specific heat capacity important for water

    buffers any changes in temperature