Authority and Responsibility - employees should be given authority and be held responsible for liabilities
the bigger the job, the bigger the responsibility
SpanofControl - limitation on the number of subordinates a manager can manage
Uppermanagers (4-8) - has more admin work, oversee the whole organization
Lower managers (8-20) - direct contact w/ subordinates
Unity of Command - employee must report to a single direct supervisor
- to know immediate supervisor to know whom to listen to and double check everything w/
Unity of Direction- employee must understand and be willing to work for the business's goals
Subordination of Individual Interest to GeneralInterest - interest of one individual should not outweigh the business's interests
general public must benefit
Remuneration - equal pay for equal work
Centralization- ensures major policies are made only by top management
Scalarchain - ultimate authority lies at the top and communication flows downward
Order - employees are assigned and resources are allocated properly in the organization
Equity- fair and kind treatment of employees
Stability of Tenure - employees should be given enough time and opportunities to prove their worth
5 months - probationary
6 months - regular
Time to train for position, gains more knowledge
Simpilicity - unnecessary elements should be eliminated
EspritdeCorps - In union there is strength
Stategic Planning - ensures effectivity and efficiency
done by upper management
ceo, president
Operational Planning - ensures organization is prepared
BusinessPlanning - determines profitability
ResourcePlanning - guarantees availability of resources
sufficient for all
Organizational Planning - Ascertains coordination and orderly arrangement
To whom will the resources go, the resources are based on org
Contingency Planning - provides fallback
ShortTerm - 1 to 5 years, operational and business
Midterm - 1 to 10 years, resources and organizational
ShorttoLongTerm - 1 to 20 years, contingency
LongTerm- 5 to 20 years, strategic
LimitationsofPlanning - it involves educated and experienced guesswork
plans and predictions are only as good as the data and information given
planning is nothing without action
process should consider the changing environment and circumstances
Strategic Planning - process of identinfying and determining the organization's goals, policies and programs
- An important part is creating momentum and motivating employee
- Swat/SwotAnalysis - yearly and look for long term
Process of Strategic Planning
Planning phase
Post planningphase
Pre-Planning Phase -planning of the steps necessary to organize the strategic planning effort
It deals with defining objectives of the plan and the procedures to follow to follow to accomplish these objectives
It should also identify the individuals involved, location, and time allotted to the planning
Planning Phase - this can be referred as strategizing
It is best to begin w/ the destination
Determines the different routes to get to the desired location
One should select a route that best meets
Post-PlanningPhase -Involves 3 steps
Monitoring progress once the plan is implemented
ManagementbyObjectives (MBO)
- a system in which the organization 's superior and subordinated managers collectively identify their goals
- a technique that defines each individual employee's major area of responsibility
- an approach that uses certain measures as a guide for operating the different units of workers and for assessing their contributions individually and as a whole
DecisionMaking - process of choosing a specific course of action form possible alternatives even if it has already been planned or being planned
head of management
make sure the decisions you make, benefit the general public
Principles of Decision Making
Be patient
Weigh gain versus risk
Anticipate results and problems
Create a master plan
Balance making urgent decision w/a thorough deliberation