classical conditioning

Cards (8)

  • main psychologist= Pavlov
  • Pavlov did research on dogs
  • Whenever Pavlov fed his dogs he also rang a bell. Eventually when he rang a bell they would start salivating (indicating theyre ready for food)- they had come to associate bells with food
    • food is the UCS which triggers salivation which is the UCR
    • UCS of food repeatedly paired with another stimulus of the bell which is a NS
    • this triggers salivation, an UCR
    • over time the bell becomes a CS and triggers salivation the CR
  • principles of classical conditioning
    • generalisation- when a stimuli similar to the original CS can also produce the CR
    • discrimination- when a stimuli similar to the original CS does NOT produce the CR. This can be achieved by withhholding the UCS
    • extinction- when the CS cant produce the CR bc the CS has been repeatedly presented without the UCS
    • spontaneous recovery- when a previously extinct CR is produced by the CS
    • higher order conditioning- when a new CS produces the CR cos the new CS is associated with the original CS
  • Watson and Rayner- Little albert
    • baby shown a white rat (NS) paired with a loud noise (UCS) to produce fear (CR)
    • Eventually the white rat became a CS and produced the CR fear response
    • albert was also scared of other white fluffy things like santa