2. Research Issues

Cards (6)

    1. Research Issues - Extraneous Variables
    • anything other IV affecting DV.
    • not confound, makes harder to detect result.
    • need to be controlled.
    • easy control, e.g. participant’s age.
  • 2. Research Issues - Cofounding Variables
    • presence effects variables so results don’t reflect actual relationship between IV + DV.
    • EVs can become CVs + confuse results by affecting DV.
  • 3. Research Issues - Demand Characteristics

    Demand C:
    • participant reactivity = EV, difficult to control.
    • change behaviour bc trying figure out purpose of exp.
    • e.g unnatural (social desirability); nervousness; wrong answer purposely; right answer to please researcher.
  • 4. Research Issues - Investigator Effects
    Investigator Effects:
    • unconscious/conscious behaviour of researcher that effects results.
    • e.g. physical characteristics (like gender); less obvious characteristics (like accent); unconscious bias in data interpretations.
  • Research Issues - Randomisation
    • use chance methods to control bias.
    • minimise EVs/CVs.
    • control investigator effects.
  • Research Issues - Standardisation
    • use same formalised procedures for all participants.
    • same environment, info, experience.
    • standardisation = non-standardised changes don’t act as EVs.