The studyoftheeconomyasawhole, includinginflation, growthandunemployment
Aggregate demand
The totalofalldemandsorexpendituresintheeconomyatanygivenprice
Aggregate demand curve
Shows the relationshipbetweentheprice levelandequilibriumnationalincome. As the price level rises the equilibrium level of national income falls
Animal spirits
Businessconfidence: the mood of managers and owners of firms about the future of their industry and the wider economy
Gross investment
The additionto capital stock, bothtoreplacetheexistingcapital stock which has been used up (depreciation) and the creation of additional capital
The additiontothecapital stockoftheeconomy
Retained profit
Profitkeptbackbyafirmforitsownuse which is not distributed to shareholders or used to pay taxation
Net exports or the net trade balance
Aggregate supply curve
The relationshipbetweentheaveragelevelofpricesintheeconomyandtheleveloftotal output
Full capacity
The levelofoutputwherenoextraproductioncantakeplaceinthelong runwithexistingresources. The full capacity level of output for an economy is shown by the classical long run aggregate supply curve or the vertical part of a Keynesian aggregate supply curve
Short-run aggregate supply curve
The upwardslopingaggregatesupplycurvewhichassumesthatmoney wage ratesarefixed
Supply-side shocks
Factorssuch as changesinwageratesorcommoditypriceswhichcausethe short run aggregate supply curvetoshift
Circular flow of income
A modeloftheeconomywhichshowstheflowofgoods, servicesandfactorsandtheirpaymentsaroundtheeconomy
The value of the output, expenditure or income of an economy over a period of time
Open economy
An economywherethereistradewithothercountries
A stockofassetswhichcanbeusedtogenerateaflowofproductionorincome. For example, physical wealth such as factories and machines is used to make goods and services
Withdrawals or leakages
Inthecircularflowofincome, spendingbyhouseholdswhich does notflowbacktodomesticfirms. It includes savings, taxes and imports
Marginal propensity to import (MPM)
The increaseinimportsdividedbytheincreaseinincome that causedthem (i.e. changeinM/changeinY)
Marginal propensity to save (MPS)
The increaseinsavingdividedbytheincreaseinincome that causedit (i.e. changeinS/changeinY)
Marginal propensity to tax (MPT)
The increaseintaxrevenuesdividedbytheincreaseinincomethatcausedthem (i.e. changeinT / change in Y)
Marginal propensity to withdraw (MPW)
The increaseinwithdrawalsfromthecircular flow (S+T + M)dividedbytheincreaseinincomethatcausedthem (i.e. changeinW/changeinY); this is the same as the sum of the marginal propensity to save, tax and import (MPS+MPT+MPM)
Multiplier or national income multiplier or Keynesian multiplier or real multiplier
The figureused to multiplyachangeinaninjectioninto the circularflow, such as investment, to find the final change in income (assuming the injection is not determined by income). It is theratioofthefinalchangeinincometotheinitialchangeinaninjection. It can be calculated as 1/ (1-MPC) or1/ (MPS+MPT+MPM) or1/MPW
Multiplier effect or process
An increaseininvestmentorotherinjectionwillleadtoan even greater increase in income (assuming the injection is not determined by income)
Gross domestic product (GDP)

A measure of the output or value added of an economy which does not include output or income from investments abroad or an allowance for the depreciation of the nation's capital stock
Gross national income (GNI)

The value of goods and services produced by an economy over a period of time (GDP) plus net overseas interest payments and dividends (factor incomes)
Gross national product (GNP)

The market value of goods and services produced over a period of time through the labour or property supplied by citizens of a country both domestically (GDP) and overseas
Hidden, black or informal economy
Economic activity where trade and exchange take place but which goes unreported to the tax authorities and those collecting national income statistics
Net national income

A measure of national income which includes both net income from investments abroad and an allowance for depreciation of the nation's capital stock
Per person or per head or per capita

Per individual in the population
Purchasing power parities

An exchange rate of one currency for another which compares how much a typical basket of goods in one country costs compared to that of another country
Standard of living

How well off is an individual, household or economy, measured by a complex mix of variables such as income, health, the environment, participation in society and political freedoms
Transfer payments

Income for which there is no corresponding output, such as unemployment benefits or pension payments
Value and volume of national income
The value of national income is its monetary value at the prices of the day; the volume is the national income adjusted for inflation and is expressed either as an index number or in money terms at the prices in a selected base year
Actual growth

Economic growth as measured by recorded changes in real GDP over time
Boom or peak

Period of time when the economy is growing strongly and is operating above its productive potential
Demand-side shock

A sudden and large impact on aggregate demand
Depression or slump

A period of the trade cycle when there is a particularly deep and long fall in output