structure - controlled alternatingrhymescheme and regular quatrains used to mimic the monotony and inescapable nature of suffering and oppression
"Marks ofweakness, marks ofwoe."
anaphora - Industrial Revolution has stripped the people of their freedom
"runs in blooddownPalacewalls"
metaphor - Blake didactically lambasts the corrupt monarchy as responsible for deaths snd suffering
"In everycry of everyMan" "In every Infant'scry of fear" "In everyvoice: in everyban"
anaphora elucidates the incessant suffering, creating a bleak tone and sense of futility
"mind forged manacles"
metaphor - freedom of thought has been oppressed by the Industrial Revolution, which was not welcomed by the Romantics as it censored the sublime of nature
"Marriage hearse"
oxymoron - marriage linked to death, which implies that children born from marriage are doomed to incessant suffering.
The observational poem exposes the stark dichotomy between those in power and those suffering at the hands of those in power - Blake confronts the reader with their own passivity.