Browning employs the dramaticmonologue form, adopting the voice of the Duke of Ferrara, to provide a psychological insight into a hubristic and paranoidmegalomaniac in order to lambast the mistreatment of women in the Victorian patriarchy.
"half flush that diesalongherthroat."
caesura is used in conjunction with violence
"I gave commands / then allsmilesstoppedtogether."
the poem explores a paradox of power throughout the poem. The Duke is the embodiment of politicalpower and control and yet he feels disempowered and insecure in his marriage.
"And I choose / nevertostoop."
tight and controlled structure - the uniformity of the iambic pentameter mirrors the Duke's insistence on control.
"my last duchess painted on the wall"
ekphrastic poem - women are commodified to elucidate the Duke's ownership and control