Just Quotations

Cards (41)

  • "His ordinary voice sounded like a whisper after the harsh work of the conch. He laid the conch against his lips... and blew once more. The note boomed again."
  • Piggy states the conch is "ever so expensive"
  • "They obeyed the summons of the conch" --> littleluns to conch
  • "'I've got the conch,' said Piggy indignantly. 'You let me speak!'"
  • "we can use this to call the others" --> conch herding the boys, piggy
  • "Roger stooped, picked up a stone, aimed, and threw it at Henry- threw it to miss"
  • "Ralph was a shock of hair and Piggy a bag of fat."
  • "Ralph was a shock of hair and Piggy a bag of fat."
  • "You don't know Roger. He's a terror."
  • "Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach... passed them back down to the endless, outstretched hands"
  • "Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach... passed them back down to the endless, outstretched hands"
  • "He's queer, he's funny" (Ralph to Jack, about Simon) --> is referred to pejoratively
  • Simon: believes in acting altruistically, and is prescient --> "maybe its only us"
  • "He moved through the forest in the last daylight, tracking the movements of the sun." --> interconnected with nature
  • "His specs- use them as burning glasses" (Jack)
  • "I agree with Ralph. We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages"
  • Piggy is introduced as "shorter" and "very fat"
  • "Piggy was an outsider, not only by his accent, but by fat and ass-mar and specs"
  • "I expect we'll want to know all their names... and make a list"
  • "He looked critically at Ralph's golden body and then down at his own clothes"
  • Ralph's father is "a commander in the navy"
  • "Piggy bore this with a sort of humble patience"
  • "I don't care what you call me so long as it's not what they used to call me in school... They used to call me Piggy!"
    "Better Piggy than Fatty"
  • "We can help them to find us. If a ship comes near the island they may not notice us... We must make a fire" (Ralph)
  • "I'm chief because you chose me and we're going to keep a fire going"
  • "The skull regarded Ralph like one who knows all the answers and won't tell." --> Captures a sense of eerie wisdom and silent mockery emanating from the skull.
  • "Lying there in the darkness, he knew he was an outcast."
  • In chapter 10, Ralph is described as having a "shock of yellow hair" (contrasts against his initial virtuous image); and in chapter 10 it described how Ralph "would like to have a pair of scissors and cut this hair... cut this filthy hair right back to half an inch" --> growing hair is symbolic of the breakdown of law and how far they are from civilisation
  • "there was a mildness about his mouth and eyes that proclaimed no devil"
  • Chapter 1 (Piggy) --> "Aren't there any grown-ups at all?"
    Chapter 12 (Naval officer) --> "Are there any adults- any grown-ups with you?"
    Cyclical structure/ parallels
  • Chapter 5: "Bollocks to the rules!" (Jack)
    This culminates in chapter 11: "the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist"
  • "Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood" --> chanting shows cohesion; is vicseral
  • "I agree with Ralph. We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages"
    "We'll have rules!... Lots of rules! Then when anyone breaks 'em-"
  • "Which is better- to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill?" (Piggy)
    "Bollocks to the rules! We're strong- we hunt!" (Jack)
  • Simon is killed when he is presumed to be the beast, during his murder the boys are described as attacking him with "claws" and "teeth"
  • "We can't have everyone talking at once. We'll have to have 'Hands up' like at school." Ralph, chapter 2
  • "The mask was a thing on its own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness." Chapter 4
  • "The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist." Chapter 11
  • "The creature was a party of boys" (chapter 1) --> the first description of Jack's choir as seen by Ralph and Piggy
  • "What I mean is... maybe it's only us." (Simon, chapter 5)