blood admin

Cards (23)

  • Transfusion therapy
    Injection/administration of blood or blood products
  • Blood products
    • RBC - 2-4hrs
    • Fresh frozen plasma - 15-30 mins max 2 hours
    • Platelets - 15-30 mins infusion
  • Types of blood
    • Type A
    • Type B
    • Type AB
    • Type O
  • Rh factor (antigen)

    (+) Rh factors means they have Rh factors on RBC
    (-) Rh factor means they don't have Rh factors on RBC
  • Blood typing
    Blood test that determines blood type
  • Cross-matching
    Blood test that indicated compatibility between blood of donor and recipient
  • Protocols and Nursing care
    1. IV catheter size - 18–20 gauge IV line
    2. Patency before requesting blood
    3. Sterile technique
    4. NSS/Y tube IV tubing set up
    5. Baseline Vital signs
    6. Check orders
    7. Double check patient ID and blood product ID data with another licensed RN/MD
    8. Administer blood as soon as it arrives - infuse within 4 hrs
    9. Minimal handling of bag - no squeezing - potassium breakdown
    10. Vital signs - 15 min into infusion, stay with patient for first 15 min
    11. Administer very slowly 15 mins
  • Saline only compatible with blood
  • Flush before and after a medication if using the same line
  • Post transfusion
    1. Vital signs
    2. Document findings
    3. Any adverse reaction forms
    4. Monitor lab values of what blood product was given to make sure it is therapeutic
  • Transfusion reaction
    Back pain, chills
  • Actions for transfusion reaction
    1. Stop the Transfusion immediately and switch it to NS
    2. Monitor vital signs and urine output
    3. Notify MD
    4. Emergency equipment
  • Acute hemolytic reaction
    • Most dangerous/rapid response
    Infusion of ABO-incompatible whole blood, RBCs
    Antibodies in recipients' plasma attach to antigens on transfused RBC = RBC destruction
    S/S - pain/chills/SOB/back pain/AKI
    Red urine appears on next void - need to collect urine
    Collect blood specimen
  • Allergic reaction
    • Can be mild/severe
    Monitor closely - may be able to restart but slower rate
    Can lead to anaphylaxis
  • Anaphylaxis reaction

    • Airway emergency - rapid response
  • Circulatory overload reaction
    • Occurs when blood administered more rapidly that the circulatory system can handle
    S/S cough/dyspnea/chest tightness/tachycardia/pulmonary edema/HTN/restless/JVD
  • Actions for circulatory overload reaction
    Stop infusion
    Increase HOB
    Slower rate
    Can be ordered a diuretic
  • Sepsis reaction
    • S/S - septic shock, rapid onset chills, high fever, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Delayed hemolytic reaction
    • Occurs days/weeks after infusion
    Usually less severe
    No red urine
    Complication in further transfusions
  • Hyperkalemia
    • Prolonged storage, cell destruction, improper handling
  • Hypocalcemia
    • Preservative used to store blood binds with blood
  • universal recipient
    Type Ab
  • universal donor
    type o