Invisibility of women within science

Cards (5)

  • It is argued that women in psychology are “invisible”. in the early days of psychology, female researchers were often simply banned from attending psychology courses or refused a PhD on the basis of their gender, even though they had completed the work require
  • In today’s society there has been a shift with most psychology students being female. So, why are women still invisible in psychology?
    • They are often overlooked in the research process
    • They are often not seen to be as influential as male psychologist
  • the American psychological association created a list of the top 100 influential psychologists and only 6 of them were women.
  • Overlooked within the research process
    Women’s contributions often get overlooked as the credit for their work may be taken by a male co-researcher.
    Many female researchers conducted studies with their husbands, and their contributions were attributed to the
  • not seen as influential
    Female contributions are often not seen as important.
    Certain areas of psychology are traditionally associated with female researchers, such as educational psychology, developmental psychology or counselling.
    The areas of psychology traditionally dominated by men are considered to be more “scientific”, such as behaviourist or biological psychology.
    Traditionally female areas of psychology are often devalued by the predominantly male psychological community, and seen as less academically rigorous