Cardiovascular L3

Cards (31)

  • Deirdre Merry is from the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Canterbury
  • Blood components
    • Plasma
    • Buffy coat (leukocytes and platelets)
    • Erythrocytes (red blood cells)
  • Haematocrit
    Percentage of red blood cells in a sample of whole blood
  • Blood plasma
    • About 90% water
    • Contains dissolved ions, plasma proteins, lipid transport, immunity, blood clotting
  • Mammalian red blood cells
    • Do not have a nucleus
    • Bi-concave shape to increase surface area
  • Leukocytes
    • Important for immunity and defense
  • Platelets
    • Responsible for blood clotting
  • The cellular elements of blood are constantly replaced throughout a person's life; erythrocytes have a lifespan of 3 – 4 months
  • HIF
    Hypoxia inducible factor
  • Red blood cells
    • Primary function is to transport oxygen from the lungs (or gills) to tissues
    • Each RBC is packed with haemoglobin molecules (respiratory pigment)
    • Most O2 in animal circulatory systems is bound to haemoglobin or haemocyanin
  • Haemoglobin molecule
    • Each molecule contains 4 globin subunits
    • Each globin subunit contains a haeme group surrounding a ferric ion (Fe2+)
    • Each globin subunit can reversibly bind to one molecule of O2
  • Vertebrate haemoglobin is contained within red blood cells
  • O2 capacitance
    Determined by the concentration of respiratory pigment (e.g. haemoglobin) in blood
  • Concentration of respiratory pigment increases with metabolic rate and in breath-holding diving vertebrates
  • Haemoglobin conformational states
    Tense and Relaxed
  • Cooperative binding
    The probability of haemoglobin being in the relaxed state is increased with the binding of O2 to any of the four binding sites
  • Haemoglobin-oxygen bonds display "co-operative binding"
  • Haemoglobin "affinity" reflects the strength of the Hb-O2 bond which depends on amino acid sequence of globin subunits (Hb isoforms) and chemical microenvironment surrounding Hb
  • P50
    The PO2 at which Hb is 50% saturated with O2, a measure of oxygen affinity
  • High P50
    Low affinity
  • Low P50

    High affinity
  • Shift to the left = lower P50, high affinity. Shift to the right = higher P50, low affinity
  • Factors modifying Hb-O2 binding affinity
    • Increase in temperature increases the probability that Hb will be in a tense state
    • Decrease in pH decreases affinity (right shift)
    • H+ ions bind to sites on globin subunits and this increases the probability of Hb being in a tense state
  • Blood pH, PCO2, and temperature (to a lesser extent) differ in gas exchange organs and tissues
  • Gas exchange organ
    Increased pH, decreased PCO2, decreased temperature - Left shift, increases Hb-O2 affinity, facilitates loading of O2 onto Hb
  • Tissues
    Decreased pH, increased PCO2, increased temperature - Right shift, decreases Hb-O2 affinity, facilitates offloading of O2 from Hb
  • Bohr effect
    A lower pH causes Hb to release more oxygen, a higher pH causes Hb to hold more oxygen
  • Blood doping in sports
    Illicit method of enhancing athletic performance by artificially increasing haemoglobin concentrations through blood transfusions, EPO injection, or synthetic oxygen carriers
  • Blood boosting in the animal kingdom - Animals can naturally boost the number of RBCs in their circulation through splenic contraction in response to metabolically demanding activities and apnoea
  • Blood viscosity increases as temperatures decrease, by about 2% for every 1°C drop in temperature. Antifreeze proteins also increase viscosity, which is a problem for fish inhabiting sub-zero environments
  • The bald notothen (Pagothenia borchgrevinki) can increase its blood oxygen carrying capacity by up to 207% through splenic contraction, which minimises the energetic costs associated with transporting highly viscous blood and enables an active lifestyle in an extreme environment