1. Tell me about times when you don't get angry
2. Tell me about times you felt the happiest
3. When was the last time that you feel you had a better day?
4. Was there ever a time when you felt happy in your relationship?
5. What was it about that day that made it a better day?
6. Can you think of a time when the problem was not present in your life?
7. If your husband / wife / partner were here and I were to ask him the same question, what do you think he/she would say?
8. What do you suppose you did to make that happen?
9. What is the most important thing for you to remember to do to make sure that _________________(the exception) has the best chance of happening again? What's the next most important thing to remember?
10. What do you think your husband / wife/ partner would say the chances are that this (the exception) will happen again? What would he say you could do to increase the chances of that happening again? Suppose you decide to do that; what do you think he would do
11. Suppose he/she did that; how would things be different for you…around your house…in your relationship with him/her?