
Cards (51)

  • Chronological definition of Adolescence:
    Teenage years between 13 and 19.
  • Biological definition of Adolescence:
    -Physical markers

    -Starts: pre-pubertal height spurt (precedes puberty)
    -Ends when reach full reproductive maturity (15-18 years)
  • Societal definition of Adolescence:
    -Starts: Onset of puberty
    -Ends: when adolescents assume adult responsibilities
  • First of physical changes during puberty marking onset of puberty
    -Growth spurt (height)
  • How much height growth per year for males and females
    -Females: 8.5cm/year for 2 years
    -Male: 9cm/year for 2 years
  • Age of onset of growth spurt for males and females
    -Females: 11 years
    -Males: 13-14 years
  • Males who go through EARLY puberty experience: IMMEDIATE Positives
    -Self assurance
  • Males who go through EARLY puberty experience: IMMEDIATE Negatives
    -Substance use
    -Psychological issues
  • Males who go through LATE puberty experience: IMMEDIATE effects

    -Socially awkward
    -Misbehave in class
    -Anxious behaviours
  • Consequences in adulthood from EARLY puberty in males
    -Advanced in their career
    -Difficulty coping with stress
    -Intimacy difficulties
  • Cause of EARLY puberty in males
    Higher testosterone levels.
  • Consequences in adulthood from LATE puberty in males
    -Good sense of humour
    -Clearer insight into issues
    -Sophisticated understanding of themselves
    -Good intimate relationships
  • Females who go through EARLY puberty experience: IMMEDIATE Positives
    -Greater independence
  • Females who go through EARLY puberty experience: IMMEDIATE Negatives
    -Substance use
    -Psychological issues
    -Earlier sexual experiences
    -Poorer marks
    -Body image issues
  • Females who go through LATE puberty experience: IMMEDIATE effects

    -Good marks
    -Date later
  • Consequences in adulthood from EARLY puberty in Females
    -Difficult social relationships
    -Lower levels of education
    -Mental health issues
    -Substance use
  • Consequences in adulthood from LATE puberty in Females
    -Higher levels of education
  • Males want to change what about themselves (stats)
    -47% scholastic ability
    -23% personality
    -14% physical appearance
  • Females want to change what about themselves (stats)
    -39% personality
    -27% scholastic ability
    -24% physical appearance
  • Male and Female adolescences both want to change the same 3 areas which are:
    -Scholastic ability
    -Physical appearance
  • What are the risk factors for body dissatisfaction
    -Media consumption
    -Stressful home environment
    -Personality factors: perfectionist, internalising
  • Long term consequences for high body satisfaction
    -High self esteem
    -Positive peer relationships
  • Long term consequences for low body satisfaction
    -Eating disorders
    -Exercise dependence
    -Steroid use (males)
  • Three main changes for adolescences
    -Physical changes
    -Adult identities
  • Secular trend
    Long term linear trend in a single direction over time
  • Explanation for the Secular trend in menstration
    -Better nutrition
    -Better health care
  • According to Eric Erikson what is most important thing for adolescences in "forging identity"
    Rights of passage
  • Key areas of challenge in establishing adult identity
    -Work identity
    -Ideologies (religion, politics)
  • Who coined term "identity crisis"
    Eric Erikson
  • What is an example of artificial markers of adulthood ?
    -Barmitzfa and confirmation
  • Stats on tribal marriage
    -Females: 63% within 2 years puberty
    -Males: 64% within 4 years puberty
  • For females marker of adulthood is menstration, what is this for males?

    Once reached specific level of achievement

    Example: Kill on hunt
  • Average age first marriage for men and women 1974 and 2014
    -Women: 1974: 21
    -Women: 2014: 28
    -Men: 1974: 23
    -Men:2014: 30

    Increase of 7 years
  • Pros and cons of delayed adolescence
    -Pro: time and freedom enabled fundamental cultural shift

    -Con: Delay in social responsibilities
  • How long is the adolescent period historically compared to currently
    -Historically: 2-4 year adolescent phase
    -Currently: 8-15 year adolescent phase
  • Marcia's identity statuses
    -Identity diffusion
    -Identity achievement
  • No crisis, yes commitment

    -Didnt thinking things through

    "my dad is a builder he says im strong and wants me to do it, I will go through with that"
  • No commitment, no crisis
    Identity diffusion

    -Didn't think things through
    -No commitment
  • Yes crisis, no commitment

    -Thought things through
    -No commitment

    "I cant decide"
  • Yes crisis, Yes commitment
    Identity achievement
