Lower extremities

Cards (39)

  • how many tarsals are there ?
  • what are the names of the tarsals?
    Calcaneus, Talus, Cuboid, Navicular, Medial Cuneiform, Intermediate Cuneiform, Lateral Cuneiform.
  • what tarsal is the largest?
  • what is the CR for the AP foot?
    10 to 15 degree posteriorly to base of 3rd metatarsal
  • what is the rotation for medial foot oblique?
    45 degree
  • For lateral foot what side do we rotate?
    laterally and planter surface perpendicular
  • what is another name for calcaneus?
    os calcis
  • what is the CR for plantardorsal axial projection?
    40 degree cephalic to base of 3rd metatarsal
  • what is the CR for lateral Os Calcis?
    perpendicular to IR. 1" below medial malleolus
  • what forms the ankle?
    tibia, fibula, and talus
  • what forms the ankle mortise?
    distal tibia and fibula
  • what is the CR for AP ankle?
    perpendicular to IR at point between malleoli
  • AP ankle foot and malleoli has to do what?
    foot has to be dorsiflexed and malleoli parallel
  • what rotation and degree does the ankle mortise have?
    medial rotation and 15 degree
  • Ankle oblique what degree and rotation is it?
    45 degree medial
  • ankle oblique is taken to demonstrate what?
    distal tibiofibular joint
  • what rotation is needed for lateral ankle?
    90 degree laterally knee should also in a true lateral
  • lateral ankle what way should the foot be?
  • when doing a AP tib-fib foot should be?
  • knee condyles and malleoli should be _ to IR?
  • when doing a lateral tib-fib landmarks should be?
  • what are the joints for knee?
    tibia and femur
  • define Osgoods-Schlatters disease?
    displacement of tibial tuberosity
  • AP knee should have epicondyles _ to the IR?
  • what is the CR for AP knee?
    5 degree cephalad. 1/2" below apex of patella
  • what is the CR of lateral knee?
    5 degree cephalad. 1" distal to medial epicondyle
  • how much should the knee be flexed for a lateral knee?
    30-45 degree
  • why is the projection of sunrise knee done?
    to visualize the femoropatellar joint space open
  • what is visualized doing the tunnel knee projection?
    intercondyloid fossa
  • what is the CR for knee tunnel?
    40 degree caudad to knee joint
  • how much should the knee be flexed while doing a tunnel projection?
    40 to 50 degree
  • AP distal femur epicondyles should be _ to IR?
  • Lateral distal femur should have the epicondyles _ to IR?
  • what does the hip included?
    distal femur and acetabulum
  • how much rotation and degree is done when doing AP hip?
    rotation medially and 15 -20 degree
  • when doing AP hip the femoral neck should be _ to IR?
  • how much feet degree is needed for AP Pelvis ?
    invert 15-20 degrees toes touching
  • what is the largest foramen in the body?
    obturator foramen
  • what is acetabulem?
    socket for head of femur